Chapter Thirty: Jessica's Visit

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Megan, and Jessica are in the living room listening to music when Mom walks in. "Popcorn anyone?"

"Oh, that sounds good," Jessica says.

"Yeah, thanks Mom," Megan adds.

Mom sits down across from them as they each grab a handful. "So Jessica, how do you like Loretto?"

"It's alright I guess. I really haven't made any friends here until I met Megan and Max."

"Well, I'm glad you've found each other." Mom's smile fades as she feels the air chill... She knows that's a precursor to Anna, Joseph or something else about to make an appearance.

Megan's already sensed it and is looking around the room.  After a moment , she smiles to herself.  This Presence, she knows is a friendly one...

Jessica notices Mom's worried look on her face and Megan smiling. "What's going on?" She notices her breath and her pulse quickens remembering what happened upstairs.

Jessica turns to Megan, "Where is he!"

"Calm down. I told you they're harmless," Megan replies.

"Megan! You told..." Mom scolds.

"Mom, she's already seen Joseph and she knows about the twins."

Jessica looks around in fearful anticipation of what's to come as Mom watches. "Oh how wonderful." Mom looks beside her and sees a blue haze forming.  "Megan..." Mom tilts her head toward it.

Slowly Anna's spirit manifests...

"Jessica, I'd like you to meet someone."

Jessica slowly turns her head... Anna is standing a few feet from her holding her rag doll playfully swaying... She takes a deep breath as Megan takes her hand.

"This... is Anna."

Jessica's trembling as she looks on with fear and fascination. Anna, simply giggles.

"I...I don't believe it.  She's real."

Megan laughs, "Yeah she's real.  Anna, this is Jessica.  Would you like to say hello?"

Anna walks over and stands between the two girls. Megan continues to hold Jessica's hand as Anna reaches down and puts her hand on top of their's.  "Sisters... we are.." Anna's voice carries an eerie echo...

Jessica continues to peer into Anna's eyes as Megan seems bewildered by her statement. 

"Anna, Jessica is my new friend.  She's not my sister."

Anna giggles, "No silly... Sister..."  She lets go, walks toward the fireplace and slowly vanishes...

Jessica turns back toward Megan and the fear on her face is slowly replaced by wonder...

"See, I told you they're harmless.  They visit us quite a bit," Megan says trying to keep her settled.

"That... was... incredible!  Will she be back?"

"Maybe, they come and go all the time.  But I don't understand what she was trying to tell us.  Do you?"

Jessica looks a little hesitant, "No, not really," she smiles. "It's my first time talking to a ghost."  She starts laughing and looks at the fireplace, "I still can't believe it." 

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