Chapter Twenty-Eight: Blackmail anyone?

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We arrive at school about 15 minutes before the bell. The parking lot is already very crowded so I have to park near the back. Turning off the ignition I lean over to Hailey, "You are so beautiful..." She smiles and we share a kiss.  "Come on. We don't want to be late."

Getting out I take her hand as we walk toward the school. As we do Hailey and I notice I'm getting the same looks from everyone. I squeeze her hand to try and reassure her.

"Don't worry. Everything's fine."

"Oh, I know it will be, as long as I'm with you," she says.

We enter the school and the first people I notice are Cassie and Bethany, and of course... here they come.

"Max. Just the person I wanted to see."

"Hey Cassie. What's up?" I play dumb.

"Well, I'm sure Hailey has told you I'm the head of our school newspaper and since you and Megan are new students, I thought about doing a short article on you two. It would be kind of like introducing you to the school... and I'm sure you know about the Blackwell Legend by now. It would be interesting to hear your thoughts about that as well."

"I'm glad she can't really hear my thoughts right now..." Hailey elbows me.

"I don't know Cassie. I'm kind of a loner, and I'm sure you know more about the Blackwell Legend than I do. We just moved here, remember?"

She steps closer to me, "Oh I think you know a lot more about the legend than you let on.  After all, he was your grandfather.  Wasn't he?" 

"No. Actually he wasn't.  He was my grandfathers brother." 

"See, it's things like that I need to get straightened out before I publish anything."  We stare at one another for a moment as Bethany watches curiously...

"Look Cassie, in a polite way he's trying to tell you no," Hailey says.

Cassie turns to her, "Oh I understand," she turns back to me. "I guess I'll just have to go with the legend and fill in the blanks as best I can. I was just hoping I could get the facts straight from the last living relatives. Oh, by the way, have you looked on YouTube lately?"

"She's really starting to annoy me."

"Easy Max..."

"Yeah we've seen the video. It's a nice piece of fiction you've come up with," she says.

"Fiction had nothing to do with it. Videos don't lie..." Cassie says as she smiles.

Hailey grabs my arm, "Let's go Max. We'll be late for class."  We turn and begin to walk away.

"Oh by the way... I love the t-shirt you wore to school yesterday." Hailey and I stop walking. "It's funny, because the second guy in the video that stood up had one on too, with the same tear in it that yours has."

Slowly, I turn around.  "Don't do anything Max. Everyone's watching." Hailey warns.

Looking around I notice the main entranceway is crowded with students intrigued by our exchange.

"Alright Cassie. I'll do it, but leave Megan out of this."

She smiles evilly, "I thought you would change your mind... Meet me after school at my house. I'm sure Hailey can show you the way." She turns and walks away...

I stand there with clinched fists watching her. As she walks into the crowd I look down at her feet and she suddenly trips and falls down. As everyone laughs Cassie quickly rolls over and stares at me.  I can't help but smile a little as Hailey drags me in the other direction.

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