Chapter Eight: Discovery, Good and Bad...

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Waking up I quickly grab my head with both hands... it's busting. That's weird because I hardly ever have a headache.  Very slowly I manage to sit up... and remember last night.

"Was Anna really here, or was it just a dream," I wonder.

Getting up I make my way to the door.  Megan's standing at her's across the hall and is holding her head as well.

"You too?" I ask.

"Yeah, this one was a bad one.  But it's easing up a little now."

"Max, Megan, breakfast is ready," Mom shouts.

We slowly make our way downstairs to the kitchen and plop down in our seats. "What's wrong with you two?  You look like you haven't slept all night."  Mom asks.

"It was just a rough night I guess," I say.

Mom pours us some orange juice, "I'm sorry I haven't spent much time with you.  There's a lot more to my new job than I expected."

"That's alright.  We know you've been busy," Megan says.

As we're eating my headache eases quickly and I see Megan seems to be feeling better too. 

"Son, what happened to your lip?"  Mom gets up to check on me. 

"I was at our neighbors yesterday and fell down." 

Megan smiles at me.  "Yeah, after you were punched in the mouth by Hailey's crazy x boyfriend."

"Megan, don't!" I shout.

"Don't what?" Mom looks confused.

"I was just going to tell you about Max's new girlfriend," Megan says bewildered.

Mom stops looking at my lip.  "Really...  What's her name?"

I look at Megan, "It's Hailey from across the street.  You've already met her."

"Well, you didn't waste any time getting to know someone," she looks at her watch. "Oh, I'm running late.  Can you two clean up for me.  I've got to go."

"Yeah, we'll take care of it," Megan says without taking her eyes off me. 

Mom gives us a hug and hurries out the door.

"Why did you tell her I was punched in the mouth?"

Megan has a funny look on her face, "I didn't."

"Yes you did.  I can't believe she didn't make a big deal over it."

"Max, I didn't say it." 

As I'm watching her I hear, "I just thought it."  Megan didn't move her lips...

We both stare at each other.  "This is too weird."

Megan smiles. "You're right about that."

"Are we really doing this... talking telepathically?"

"I don't know how, but I guess we are."

It hits me.  "Did you have a crazy dream last night?"

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