Like Spiderman

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A/N: Okay guys, last update before finals for me. Earliest the next one will be is in 2 weeks. Hope you like this one! Any criticism, ideas, or what you guys would like to see is welcome. No attacking though please! Without further ado: Like Spiderman


Luke sits down on the grass, petting Max in front of Kota's house, wishing he had some shade. "Hey, remember when there was that big tree in the front yard?"

Kota smirks down at Luke, "Yeah, remember why we cut down the tree in the front yard?" Luke smiles and thinks back to when they were kids.


Erica watches the five eight year olds as they gather around the TV. They all talk about which game to play on the xbox, and finally it is decided upon. Victor and Kota quickly hand out the controllers. The system of who goes first was made a long time ago, since there were 5 boys and 2 controllers to the gaming system. As the boys grew older, you could see the bond between them become stronger. Sure, they had small spats, but like any pack of brothers it was nothing that couldn't be solved within minutes. Quickly it was forgotten, and they moved on. That's what they were, brothers. The parents quickly caught onto the group's dynamic. Victor the leader, Kota the second in command, Nathan and Gabriel following them as the scouts and distractions, and finally Luke, the day dreamer and prankster who kept everyone smiling and on their toes. They adjusted accordingly, but Luke's uncle made one thing clear, keep an eye out for him. It wasn't that they didn't already, but he was one who needed a little extra attention on him when he was over. It became a running joke of who had 'Luke duty' that day. Never was it a real chore, but you did need to keep the prankster busy or he would find a way to do it himself. His daydreams and energy sometimes making him forgetful. Since the boys are occupied I should have enough time to make snacks and dinner, maybe even clean a bit. Erica left them alone to play their game, and disappeared into the kitchen. Not too far off so she would hear if something were to happen, but they were still out of eyesight.

An hour into alternating players, most of the boys were sucked into the competition of the game. Luke on the other hand had already predicted the outcome, and was lost in a daydream. Quickly coming out of it, he gave into his boredom. "Max is out front still, right Kota?" Kota nods in response as Gabe swears quietly when Nathan takes the lead. "I'm going to go play with him."

"Don't go too far, he isn't fully trained and likes to run off on his own." There has been a few times where Max has went ahead and explored the woods himself. Luke nods, and disappears silently to the front yard to play with the puppy.

The small golden retrevier yips and tugs at the lead when Luke steps outside quietly. When Luke is in range, the puppy runs up to him with a Frisbee in his mouth, wagging his tail. Luke smiles down at him, and scratches behind his ear before grabbing the Frisbee and throwing it for Max to chase. Each time, Max returns with the Frisbee and Luke rewards him with a pat or scratch before throwing it again. After a while of playing Luke begins to throw in different ways, with his eyes closed, behind his back, and the next time he does he knows it isn't going to end in a spot he wants it to. Max whines when he sees it land on the edge of the roof. "Oops," Luke says while he looks at it. Hmm, how to get it down. Erica is busy, and she won't be able to climb up and get it. She was looking tired, and the ladder is pretty heavy. It takes at least two of us to drag it. The guys can't climb like me. Looking at the big oak in the yard he remembers how he has climbed it before. The branches are pretty close to the roof, and he's been practicing climbing higher now. Almost as good as Spiderman. Luke thinks proudly. Nodding to himself, he pats Max's head. "Don't worry Max. I will get it back for us." He swipes his hair out of his eyes, and walks towards the tree. Max whines and barks almost in warning. "Don't worry, I've done this plenty of times." Granted last time Victor and Kota told me not to do it anymore since they scared me and I fell/ jumped out of it, but that doesn't matter now. I am the best one at stunts. Max nips at his hand, almost as if saying it will end badly. "Max, chill." In a huff, Max lays down at the edge of the tree as Luke starts climbing. With ease, Luke reaches the branches that are level with the roof, and moves to the edge, sitting down and reaching out to the edge of the roof. Crap, my arms aren't long enough, and I'm too short to just bend over it. Judging the distance, Luke smiles. I have jumped further. This will be a piece of cake! Mm, cake. I wonder if Erica has some left over from earlier this week. Standing up on the branch, he balances as Max growls and barks at the tree. "It's okay Max." The puppy whines and covers his eyes with a paw, almost saying 'I'm not watching this, because it's going to turn bad.' Luke shakes his hands, nervously. He always gets nervous right before a stunt, but the adrenaline quickly takes over. Luke, you've jumped further. Take a breath, and just do it. Deciding, he does just that.

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