Victor's Turn

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A/N: Unedited. See any mistakes and let me know! Here it is guys after my little break for finals. (God those were torture, but I survived). Hopefully you like it as much as I do. (it's probably the longest to date) Poor Victor....anyway enjoy!


Gabriel walks into Victor's apartment quickly. Luke and him haven't answered their redlines, and he was the closest. Going in as quietly as possible with his tired body, and he sure as hell wasn't Luke anyway, he looks around each corner. One hand on the gun tucked into his side holster. Hearing a deep snore, and the video game, he furrows his brow. Turning the corner quickly he sees a passed out Victor spread across his piano bench, and a concentrated Luke with a bowl of popcorn smothered in caramel and chocolate sauce. "Oy! What the fuck!? I come in here ready to kill and you fuckers are playing video games and sleeping!" Gabe yells as Victor shoots up from his position on the piano bench, falling onto the floor, and Luke bounces quickly out of his stupor. "Hey! Gabe! You're here!"

"Yeah fucker! I'm here. Vic, what the actual fuck happened to your clothes?" He says as he takes in Victor's state. His clothes are rumpled, a grass stain mars his slacks, and is that a tear in his pants!? I just fucking bought those for him last week! The stain I can get out, but those I can't just sew up! Fucking hell! Can't make my life easy. And that's just the pants. He is missing a shoe, his shirt is untucked, stained with-I don't even know what the hell it could be, and missing a button? Seriously? His belt is undone. Hopefully he didn't fuck up that belt. I got it from New York, and we aren't exactly going up there again this season. Same with that damn shoe. It has to be around here somewhere. Victor had been on Luke Duty all day, and Gabe was supposed to pick it up in an hour, but since the calls hadn't been answered he had been called out of work to check on the dumbasses.

"I-honestly it's a long story." Victor sighs, looking at Luke who was widely grinning, and turning back towards the game.

"So, Gabe, I thought you were working? What's got you off early? Why aren't you spending it with Sang? Oh, is Cupcake free today? I think she is. We should go get her."

"That belt and those shoes were just fucking bought! Along with those pants! How the hell-what the fuck is even on the shirt!?" Gabriel says, interrupting Luke's sugar high ramblings. "And why did neither of you dumbasses answer your phones?! We even redlined you two! I got called here early because of it, and Sang is freaking out, no she isn't free she is with Doc today." Luke pouts, and Victor sighs. Remembering why Luke couldn't answer his phone, and how his had been-well he thought it had been on him. He had probably lost it.

"Luke can't answer his right now, and mine is conveniently misplaced. I thought I had it on me, but it must've been removed at some point."

"What do you mean Luke can't answer? Vic what happened?" He asks as he notices the game having been swapped out for the food network. Luke lost in a daydream of the cakes and cupcakes currently showing on screen. Victor sighs, "It-it has been a long day."

"Just spit it out Vic." Gabriel sighs, looking between him and the bouncing Luke who is religiously stuffing his face with the popcorn.

"Well, it started out fine. Luke came over this morning, and we were just going to hang out all day. I did the normal pack of Oreos, and he was watching Cupcake Wars, talking about his Cupcake going on the show after he finished it off." Silently Victor adds that he had taken his shower and dressed in actual clothes that day. "Then-well it just spiraled."

*Flashback to that morning*

"Vic, I that recipe looks ridiculous, and some of those ingredients don't belong in cupcakes! I mean seriously? A vegan cupcake with artichoke? ARTICHOKE." Luke says with a shudder. Victor sighs and continues to work on his new piece. "Luke, go make some cupcakes then. I'm sure you could do better."

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