1. (memory lost)

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So I'm on my way back to beacon hills, I know what your thinking. Why would you wanna go to a place where the supernatural is. Well, that an easy answer, its because I am part of the supernatural world. You're also probably wondering where I was, well I went to visit Derek for a while.

Right, where are my manners? My name is Thea, Thea Gray to be exact. You're probably wondering what I am. Well, you'll just have to find out.

Anyway, I just passed the beacon hills sign and I already can't wait to see all of my friends. Scott offered for me to stay with him and his mom because Derek left. So I get to the McCall residence and go inside to unpack. I realized that I have to go to school today even though I just got her but Melissa registered me a few days ago. It's so wonderful to be back from my vacation. Please note the sarcasm I hate school.

Making my way to the office to get my schedule when I get there the lady gives me my schedule and I head to the class I'm supposed to be in sad part is its a class for sophomores and I'm a senior.

As I walk into my class the teacher was asking a question about Schroedinger's cat and how it involves Physics. "It illustrates the concept of quantum superposition. Light is both a partial and wave until its observed" everyone looked at me as I answered. " yes excellent answer very impressive, and you are?" I smiled. I see Liam talking to a mason about how I'm back. " right, I'm sorry I'm Thea Gray." I introduced while smiling. " so you're the senior?" he asked a little confused as to why I'm here. " that'll be me" I smiled at the class. Everyone was looking at me like I had two heads. " well we were just getting ready to start a lab" he explains and says to get into groups of five, so I make my way over to Liam, Mason and Hayden and Cory. "hey do you guys mind if I join you?" I smile, Man I missed these guys ."No not at all, we missed you" we all laugh. "I missed you guys too" I wasn't paying attention when Mason was talking about how phones cant geolocate today. Then when he tells Cory that there's a compass in Mr. Douglas cabinet. Then he turns invisible and then the cabinet opens and closes and he reappears. I look at Cory with an impressed look, I've only seen him do that once and he was on Theo's side then. then they went back to talking about the compass and how after school they were going to follow it. I volunteered to go with them after school.

When the bell rings me and the boys start to follow where the compass leads. After a while of following it, we end up at an old abandoned house. We were walking around when we ran into something, well more like someone and that someone was Scott. "What are you doing here?" he hasn't noticed me yet. "Thea?" now he has. " yeah, it's me Scotty" he hugs me. "mom said you weren't coming for another 2 weeks," I told her I wanted to surprise everyone. " Nah, I missed you guys too much and I wanted to surprise you guys and I think I made a pretty good impression on the new teacher." we laugh.

" anyway, what are you guys doing here?" Where is Stiles? He's usually with Scott. " this is where the compass led us" we show him the compass. It was spinning out of control " why is it doing that"
"We have no idea" we all look at each other then the glass on it broke and be heard a bang come from upstairs we run up there to see stiles on the ground. "What happened,"I and Scott said.
"He was here he shot at me it was one of the guys that you saw in Alex's memories," Stiles told Scott
"The guy who took his parents?" Mason asked
"No, no they weren't just taking them they were made to disappear that's why there was no furniture that's why they weren't in any photos... They were erased." stiles explained
We opened the door up to an empty room.

Later that night Lydia called me to one of the rooms in the school. She was talking to Malia about the first time she had the premonition but the only part of that conversation I caught was the warning of the ghost riders "those who see the wild hunt beware for you are already lost" oh no stiles. Malia was forgetting and Lydia and I are the only ones who still remember him. We took off to go look for him. When we found him he told us that he says them they were here I couldn't see anything. We ran with him to try to get away.
"Where are they?" Lydia questioned
"They're everywhere," styles said as he was looking for a way to escape
"Come on" we followed him to the Jeep
"Don't look at them Lydia don't scream they'll try to take you to" he explained as we got to the Jeep.
" We won't! We won't" we yelled
We got in the Jeep. "Stiles what are you doing"I was scared of what was going to happen
"There's no time will be erased just like Alex. You're going to forget me"
"No, I won't." I tried to reason with him
"I won't " Lydia stated
"You will just have to try to find a way to remember me like how you were the first girl I danced with or how I had a crush on you freshman year sophomore year " he cant leave us we have lost too many people already. He turned to look at me. "Remember how we would have our movie nights."

Then he was gone.
"Remember. Remember "
"Remember. Remember"
I and Lydia chanted until we forgot what we were supposed to remember.

The next morning I and Lydia walked into the school together. We stopped and looked around something felt off. " you guys OK?" Malia asked coming up to us. " I have this feeling that I was supposed to do something" Lydia answered, " do what?" Scott asked us as he reached where we were. " we cant remember"I told them finally looking at them.


Yay episode 1 is done. I think it went well tell me what you think let me know. Also, this whole final season thing makes me want to cry I'm going to miss them dearly when its over.

Thanks, my little duckies

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