3. ( sundowning) **sort of **

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So this chapter will have flashbacks from season 1 episode 1.

****flash back****

I was in my room getting ready for bed when I heard a noise on my porch so I made my way down to the front door. I walked out on the porch and ran into Scott . " ahhhh. Don't do that." Scott said as he held his heart. " me, you're the one who was creeping around my house." and he has the nerve to yell at me. " I came to get you. There's a dead body in the woods and your coming." why is he wanting me to come with him and I thought he wanted a good night sleep. " no." Scott looked me like 'really you know you don't have a choice' " please" Scott asked. "Fine but you owe me" and I'm gonna hold him to that too. "Okay deal, let's go."

" are we really doing this?" I turned to look at Scott.
" yes now quit bitching," Scott responded. I zoned out.
"wait up!" I started running after Scott and the next thing I know is
Scott grabbed me and pushed us up against a tree as Mr. Stilinski came around the corner calling out our names. I and Scott were trying to find our way back when a bunch of deer came running out of the woods knocking us down. Scott was looking for his inhaler when we spotted the body. He got scared and fell down the hill but tried to grab me and made me fall too. I got up and spotted something and so did Scott next thing we knew it came running at us, it was an alpha because it bit Scott. We ran and almost got hit by a car.

The next day I went to school and Scott showed me the bite mark.

We were in class and I heard a phone ring and I locked eyes with Scott knowing he could hear it too. That's when the principal came into my class and introduced a new girl to the class. She sat next to me, I smiled at her and she smiled back.

Later when I was walking to my locker I bumped into the new girl. " I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention to where I was going." she said. " it okay I wasn't paying attention either." " I'm Allison." I smiled " Thea."
Lydia came up to us. " that's a killer jacket where did you get it?" she smiled at Allison. " my mom was a buyer for a store in San Francisco." she explained. " you are my new best friend." wow Lydia, way to make me feel loved. " excuse me hello current bff right here." I laughed. " you know I love you, Thea," she said side hugging me.
" what is Thea doing talking with Lydia?" I hear someone ask. "beautiful people herd together" I hear someone else say.

Later that day me Scott headed back out into the woods to look for Scott's inhaler that he dropped last night.

We were searching on the ground for it when Scott got my attention. We turn to see Derek Hale standing in the woods. When did he get back in town? " what are you doing there? huh. This is private property."
We had a little staring contest.

"um hey yeah so you see we're looking for something so if you don't mind-"I cut my self off when he throws Scott's inhaler at him.
When we look back up he was gone. That was creepy.

Later that night I was at Lydia's party and I saw Scott take off so I went to go look for him. I was in the woods and I ran into someone. Derek. He grabbed me and pulled me and Scott to safety after the hunters started shooting at us and I got shot with an arrow.

Once we get away Scott keeps asking Derek questions and I zoned out sitting on the ground. After a while, Scott walked off not noticing I'm not following and Derek crouches down and looks at me. He grabs my face and makes me look at him. " are you okay?" he asked looking into my eyes that probably held fear and worry, but it was for Scott. " ill is fine. Its Scott I'm worried about." he helps me up and takes me to his car to drive me home.
Once we get to my house he stops the car and I get out. "Thank you, Derek." I smile and walk into my house.

****flashback ends****
3rd person part of the view

Thea was at a party while Scott, Malia, and Lydia are talking to the sheriff's dad.

Mr. Stlinski was telling them what he knows about their families. He was talking about Scotts dad and Lydia's mom and even though Thea's not there he brought up her family. "Do you know about all of us?" Lydia asked. "Your Natalie martins girl, am I right? you look like her. she was pretty once too and she also liked to talk like she was the smartest person in the room."  he said pointing at Lydia.
"And Thea. Smart girl, Has she told you why her eyes are a steely blue? So you don't know what happened. During the hale fire she was inside and her human cousin was stuck and breathing in all the toxic smoke and she asked them to end her suffering." everyone was shocked.

Meanwhile, at the party, Thea was talking to Hayden when all of a sudden the girl they were watching out for was screaming about the ghost riders. Cory its arm when he was invisible and when he made himself visible the ghost rider became visible. Everyone ran out of the house and Mason put the mountain ash down while Cory, Thea, and Liam were still in the room with the ghost rider. Cory and Liam went to attack it but it just pushed them off. Thea just keeps going at it and it keeps throwing her off. It grabbed her by the throat and lifted her in the air. Parrish comes through the door and starts shooting it to make it drop her, Then it disappears.

Later that evening Thea, Scott and Liam were in Scott's house. They were talking about how everyone at the party saw the ghost riders and are all going to be taken.

You know that in the first episode of season 6 I had a feeling that there was something fishy about that teacher and I was right. Anyway, hope you guys enjoy. I might post another flashback sometime this weekend. And next chapter is back to Thea's pov.
So the picture at the top it just something random.

Love, Kay

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