10. riddders of the storm

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Liam and I were trying to get the elevator doors open. It took us a while but we finally got them open.
We walked down the hallway it looks like nobody's here. The lights keep flickering. Me and Liam made it to front desk and we hear this noise so we turn around and see a train station bord  like the one i seen in the way station with stiles. We look at each other. "We have to tell Scott." Liam looks from me to the bord.
" yeah, lets go."
We took off towards the bunker where Scott, Lydia, and Malia were. We get there just in time for Scott to close the bunker door.

"There's something you need to see." i answer for Liam, as i come into view.
"Thea? You guys are still here."
"Yeah but everyone else is gone. All of them, there all  gone." Liam answers him. " you have to come with us." i Finnish for him.
"What is it?" Scott asks.
"We cant explain it. We have to show you." i tell him.

We took off towards the hospital. Once we make it in side Scott sees what we were talking about. The train tracks and the board.
"Is this happening every where?"
"Here, the school , and the lacrosse field." Liam tells him.
"What does this mean?"
"It means its working." Mr Douglas answers him. A growl comes from the back of my throat. I get ready to attack him but Scott grabs my arm.
"He cant take all of us." Liam tells Scott.
Mr Douglas calls out for Parrish.
His eyes are glowing green.
"Parrish stop!" Scott yells at him.
"you'll make a good ghost rider Scott, And ill have a true Alpha by his side then were wolf, then a banshee, then a were coyote."
"A stiles."
"A what? Douglas asks as stiles comes in and hits him with a bat.
"Bad guy right i didn't miss read that?"
Stiles asked as Douglas gets up and he moves to us. Scott , Liam and i throw Parrish on Douglas. They fall to the ground. Stiles comes over and hugs Scott then me, Then he hugs Liam.

Parrish starts heating up and the flams around his body are red and green.
" okay, yeah we should go. Go!" stiles tells us. We run to get away from him but were still in the hospital.
" i cant believe I'm gone for a couple days and the hole place falls apart."
"No, you were gone for three months." Scott tells him.
"What. Okay if they don't let me graduate o swear to god." stiles tells us as he finds what he's looking for. "What are you looking for?" Liam asks him. "This.-" Nitrogen liquid. "-and him." he tells us as Parrish gets closer.
"Grab him." nobody moves. "Grab him now." Scott and Liam grab him and push him up against the wall. Stiles spays him with the nitrogen liquid. Liam starts freaking out.
"Liam your fine." stiles tells him.
" god, that doesn't feel good, you know?" Liam tells him.
"Stiles? what are you doing here?" Parrish asked him.
" buddy i love you but we're way past that. okay? You gotta fill us in, whats going on?"
"Douglas, he's merging the worlds so the ghost riders can cross over."
"He wants a supernatural army in our world." Liam finishes for Parrish.
"How do we stop him?" parrish looks at scott.
"The train its coming." Parrish tells us. "okay and how do we stop that?" i asked him. "You cant stop it, but you can divert it." he tells us.

He head out towards the school to find the diverter.
"How the hell so you merge worlds. Okay, where in the manual does it say were wolves can do that. Scott and i pretty much wrote the manual." i cough. " and thea." he corrects him self. I smile at him. " we cant even move between them look at what it took to break you out." i tell him.
" we cant move between worlds but Cory can. He can exist between both worlds" Liam tells us as we stop to look at him.
"And he can take people with him."
" yeah at Scott's house he pulled the ghost rider into our world." i explain to them.
" and at the lacrosse game he brought us into there's." Scott says.
"What if that's how Douglas is doing it? what if Cory's the key?"
" interesting theory. Solid logic. It is, but he's in there and were out here. So the only way to save everyone now is to divert the train."  stiles tells him.
"We have to find him."
"How?" stiles asked him.
" I'm going into the hunt." Liam tells him.
"No, no, no. Liam i think your confused. Were trying to get people out of the hunt. " stiles tries to reason with him.
"He can get taken by a ghost rider." Scott says.
"That's not a pleasant option. I'm speaking from experience."
" i don't need to get taken to get into the hunt." Liam takes off.
"Where are you going?" stiles asked him.
" I'll be back!"
"Were we like that?" stiles asked Scott and I.
" we were worse." i tell stiles then turn to Scott. "Ill make sure Liam's okay."

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