8. heartless

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I was laying in this hospital bed covered in burns when Melissa and Malia came in and started talking about healing me.

"I cant promise this will work." Melissa told her.

"You said they were dieing anyways. What do they have to lose." thanks for the vote of confidence Malia. "I can hear you, you know." i said at the same time Peter said "i can hear you I'm not dead yet."

Then they walked through the plastic thing separating us.

"I think they put that there to protect us." Peter informs them. " glad to see your obeying hospital protocols."

"Your daughter asked me to see you." she glanced over at me and continued what she was saying. "And I'm here to help Thea."

"In exchange for what." He asked after glancing over at me then back to them.

"Told you you needed a plan." Melissa said to Malia

"She helps you, you help me." she explains to Peter.  "That's a bit open ended. What if i don't agree to your conditions?" Melissa looks at him. "Then i leave you for dead and just help Thea."

"What exactly do you know about our kind of medicine?" Peter ask skeptically.

Melissa pulls out a needle filled with green goop. "That looks gross." she looks at me and chuckles a little. Then goes back to being serious.

"I know about the nine herbs." she tells Peter jamming the needle into his chest. Peter starts convulsing and the burn flesh falls off as he's grunting in pain.

"Oh, that looks like fun." i told them in clear sarcasm. Melissa comes over and injects me but gentler than Peter was.

Melissa and Malia carry me and Peter to the elevator. When we get in Malia hits one of the floors with her foot.
"You know we never did have that second date." petter tells Melissa.
Melissa and Malia then drop Peter making sure not to drop me. I start laughing and the girls smile at me.


Malia told me where Scott was and what his plan was. I went to go help him. I walk in right when he's trying to close the gate on a ghost ridder. I rush over to help him. As I'm closing it the ghost rider tries to pull me to get me through but i keep ahold of the fence and its pulling the fence close. I hear a popping sound and Liam comes and grabs me and pulls me away from the gate and Scott closes it . mason puts the mountain ash down in front of it.

"Go! Go." Scott tells mason.

The ghost rider tries to pull the lightning to him but it doesn't work.

"We did it." Liam tells Scott.
"Yeah, we did."

Liam comes over to me and hugs me.
" i missed you." I giggle at him. "I missed you too." after our hug Scott and i share a look. I smile at him and he glances behind me, i turn around confused at who he's looking at so i turn around a i see the one and only Theo. I growl and get ready to attack him but Scotty grabs me and holds me back.
" look, Thea I'm sorry." I try to lunge  at him again.
"Thea stop!" i stop and look a Scott. "Right now is not the time we need to figure out what to do with him." Scott looks at the ghost rider. I take one more glance at Theo then turn around.
"Now what do we do?" i glance at Scott waiting for him to answer my question.
"Try and talk to him."

"Mr. Ghost rider? Mr. Rider?" i giggle at Liam but he ignores me and continues to talk to the ghost rider. "We'll let you out if you tell us how to get our friends back."
"Everyone. we want everyone back." Scott corrects.
"Tell us how to get them all back." Scott and i look at each other.
"This is the plan?" Theo speaks up for the first time since me trying to attack him. "Shut up, Theo." he looks at me.
"There wasn't a plan for this part of the plan." Liam explains ignoring my little out burst.
" look, its okay we've got him traped he cant get out we just have to find a way to communicate with him." Scott tells him. "Maybe he cant hear us."
"Maybe he speaks an ancient language." i suggest.
" Maybe he only responds to pain." Theo steps closer to the cage resulting in him being right behind me.
"Or fear." i glance at Liam. Kids got a point but what would this thing fear?
"Nothings gonna scare this thing look at it its a walking corpse." Theo says from behind me. That's when it hits me.  "Somethings wrong why'd he stop trying to get out." the ghost ridder makes this howling sound.
"Did he just call for back up?" i turn to look at Theo.
"When Cory made the ghost ridder visible at the party. Another one showed up." Liam told Scott.
"we have to figure out how to talk to him or else get the hell out of here."

Mason called and told us that Parrish is who we need to be able to communicate with the ghost rider. So right now we are waiting for him to show up. I was pacing around.
"Thea." I look up at Theo.
"Don't. Not now, please." he nods. I give him a small smile. I see out of the corner of my eye Scott watching us. He gives me a look as if asking that im okay. I nod at him and he smiles back. He comes over to give me a hug. "I'm so glad your back." I smile. "Me too, Scotty me too."

Parrish comes in and stands right at the line of mountain ash.
" that's progress." Theo comments.
"Ask him how we get everyone back." Liam tells Parrish. Parrish repeats his question to the ghost rider.
"Did he say some thing?"
"He said 'hellhound'" so Parrish can communicate with the ghost rider.
"Ask him again." Scott tells him.
"What do you want from us?"
"We are the wild hunt. we hunt forever. those who hunt with us hunt forever."   this time we all could hear what the ghost rider was saying.

"That clarifies things." Theo said sarcastically. I chuckle but i dont miss the smile that makes its way on Theo's face.
" what do we have to do to get everyone back? Do you want something from us?" Scott asks the ghost rider. He turns towards Scott.
"Whys he looking at Scott?" Liam asked.
"He figured out Scotts the alpha." Theo tells him.
"There must be something you want?" Scott asks him.
"There is only the hunt, no one resist. no one escapes." they all turn to look at me but then look back at the ghost rider.
"If they cant be bargained with we're gonna have to fight them. Im coming for my friends. I'm coming for everyone. I wont stop. Ill never stop till we get everyone back." the ghost rider then turns towards Parrish. Parrish's body starts to burn up and his eyes glow. He brakes to mountain ash barrier trying to free the ghost rider.
"What is he doing?" Theo asked glancing between Scott and I.
" he's going to set him free."

Scott, Liam and I try to stop him by grabbing him but he's to hot for me to hang on to. Theo tries to help but Parrish push him off and me off with him we both land on the floor. Scott and Liam trying to keep him away from the cage. They're finally able to push him out side. Theo get up and helps me up too. "Thank you." he smiles. "No problem." he goes and puts the mountain ash line back down. Mr. Douglas walks in.
"Have you been here the hole time." Theo asks him.
"How could i stay away."
He walks closer to the cage.
"Maybe you should tell them who you really are." i look at Theo and then back to Mr Douglas.
"Hauptmann?" Theo says.
Douglas' eyes glow red and he grabs me around the neck.
"Break the barrier or i kill her." Theo looks at me with worry in his eyes. I shake my head. Douglas tightens his grip and I'm gasping for air.
" okay stop!" Theo bends down and breaks the barrier. Douglas throws me on the ground and Theo rushes to my side. Mr Douglas grabs the whip the ghost rider tries to use and brings the ghost rider towards him and bites into his head stealing his penial gland and eats it. His eyes are now  a green color. Scott, Liam and Hayden come in and see the dead ghost rider. Theo coughs and gains their attention. Hayden comes towards us and grabs Theo by the collar of his shirt.
" what did you do?"
" stop Hayden it wasn't him it was Mr. Douglas." i explain to her.
"He ate his brain." they all look at Theo.
"Scott was right. i was wrong, I'm sending you back." Liam tells Theo.

"It wasn't his brain, Mr Douglas ate his penial gland." every body looks at Scott who's crouched on the ground next to the dead ghost rider.
"It couldn't have been Theo these murders have been going on for weeks." mason tells us.
"Guys his whips gone." i notice getting closer to the ghost rider.

Welp there we have it done with this chapter.  So what do you guys think of Theo and thea. You know when i originally thought about writing this i didn't think Theo was going to come back but here we are.  Picture up top is Selena Gomez witch is who i picture Thea as. Thanks for reading.


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