[25] twitter dm

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[twitter dm]

Grant Gustin

heyy ains, would you like to skype again tonight?

i would, but i don't know if i will have time

i'm helping paul edit some pictures he took of kyle for some contest thing

ohh, well that's cool. paul is a great photographer, so good luck to him

and kyle doesn't think i'm trying to like "steal" or you anything, right? i yelled at carlos for writing that stuff on instagram

but i also saw you guys were being all cute and whatever on twitter

kyle knows he's got nothing worry about. i told him you're a good guy. besides, it's like he forgot you're THE grant gustin, and i'm just ainsley. we talked, and it's all okay.

also, if you're free at like midnight i could skype hahah

JUST ainsley? stop it.

but okay, good, i'm glad he doesn't think i'm some player or guy who's after other people's girlfriends

and yes, midnight is fine :)

of course you're not that kind of guy, you're not smooth enough for that

and really??


and to think i was about to say i loved skyping you last time :/

you still just said it

whatever, whatever. i'll talk to you later, loser 😒

you know you're excited to skype me

maybe a little bit?

it's okay, i'm a little excited, too

good. talk to you then!

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