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ainsleygrey for being the flash grantgust is always late...
grantgust it's been TWO times
ainsleygrey 2/2 🙄🙄🙄
grantgust shut up, i'm here now 😝
arryballen omg they're hanging out alone???!!!!
gantgrustin did she break up w that hot guy for him?
bearyalien i bet she's cheating on her boyfriend with grant... i mean i would
stxrlxbs but wait kyle matthews is hot
speedsterrr why would she publicly cheat on her boyfriend tho? especially on kyle matthews?
ainsleygrey hey, everyone! so it turns out, a guy and a girl can hang out as friends & everything about it be platonic! cool!!!
grantgust savage
ainsleygrey grant just said savage??
grantgust #yolo
ainsleygrey 😶

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