⋆ [01] love lasts

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Love Lasts
by Ainsley Grey

verse one
i could tell you what you want to hear
i could tell you what you need to know
but i'm stuck in a time and place
just watching these flowers grow

replay the moments
put your heart on repeat
'cause in this single moment
maybe, my love, i can believe

and you swore to me that love lasts
was i blind enough to think
that you were mine
and i was yours eternally
and i swore to you that love lasts
but i see the clock says the same time
and life goes on and i'm left knowing
you'll never be the same again

verse two
did you plan to break my heart
did i plan to break your soul
i thought you were mine from the start
but now i feel trapped inside this hole

i was down, i was out, i was gone
love couldn't last inside this small town
all i've known
but he came near, he came here
and now i know i'm not on my own
love can finally grow

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