⋆ thank you

5K 57 8

a c k n o w l e d g e m e n t s

i can't believe we actually made it here! thank you so much to all of you who have read grant and ainsley's story. your support has been very, very, very much appreciated. as a wattpad author who's put up and taken down endless books, i can honestly say i never thought a story of mine would pass 2k reads. and now i'm finishing this one with 22k+ reads. i know there are plenty of other grant fanfics out there with many more reads, but i don't care. i still did something i never thought i could - and it's because of you guys.

i stayed up hours to write parts that i hoped you would enjoy, to read through all of your hilarious or thoughtful comments that made me want to keep going, and to just think about how lucky i am that internet friends has come much farther than i ever imagined.

so, really, from the bottom of my heart, thank you!

and with that, what kind of thank you would
it be if i didn't give you MORE grainsley?

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: there WILL be bonus chapters, so DO NOT ARCHIVE internet friends just yet! grainsley isn't finished!

also, stay tuned for updates about BOOK TWO!

but for now, please don't forget about ainsley grey.

and once again, THANK YOU!

all the love,
randi (acastleabovearrows)

internet friends ⋆ g. gustin [1] ✓Where stories live. Discover now