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cosmopop Lucy Mara and Kyle Matthews' relationship is confirmed and it's the best thing ever
Tha_Los 😷😷😷
stephenamell hey, everyone. just wanted to say i'd like to riot against cosmopop. thanks, guys.
shanehgrey hey, elliottgrey and i are supposed to be ainsleygrey's brothers
elliottgrey but he's the green arrow
shanehgrey yeah, true. thanks for sticking up for my sister stephenamell
emilybett anyone in team arrow would stick up for ainsleygrey 😉🏹
MelissaBenoist that's also true for team supergirl ❤️💙
grantgust and always for team flash ⚡️😙
ainsleygrey no matter what happens i'm so thankful to have each and everyone one of you guys in my life, much love 🏹❤️💙⚡️

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