[100] home

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i pulled into the driveway of my parents house, immediately recognizing shane's dingy red car sitting outside. i smiled to myself, thinking of how thoughtful shane was to drive all the way to our parents' for my return to virginia. i hadn't seen him in months - since my graduation.

i stepped out of the car, clutching my purse and the small bag containing the disks with my photoshoot pictures and the demos of my new music. i figured my dad and shane could
help me with the luggage in the trunk later.

when i got to the door, i didn't even have to try to find my keys. the door swung open, shane's smiling face staring right at me. "ainsley painsley!" shane laughed, throwing his arms around me. "welcome back from being a rockstar!" i giggled, knowing full well i wasn't a rockstar. but the dream wasn't too far from becoming a reality, either.

shane let go, letting my parents who were standing behind him embrace me now. i'd been in new york for a few months now, recording and doing exciting projects to get ready for the next step in my career.

"we're so happy you're home," my mother gushed, "we missed you so much, honey! we're so elliott couldn't be here, he couldn't get away from work and the family."

"it's okay, i'm happy to see you guys! i missed you guys more," i smiled, shaking my head, "it was weird going from living with my parents to living-"

"like a rockstar," shane finished, a smirk on his

i rolled my eyes, jabbing a fist gently into his shoulder. "sure, kid."

"well, we're not the only ones that missed you," my dad grinned. my family stepped aside, revealing two handsome young men behind them.

"grant! carlos!" i beamed. i ran over to them, engulfing them into a group hug. "guys! what are you doing here?" i pulled away, but still hung to grant's arm. it had been a month since we'd last seen each other during his visit to new york city. i was subject to having grant withdrawals.

"we wanted to be here for your return," carlos grinned, patting a hand on grant's shoulders. "your family is super kind, ains."

"and i have an announcement," grant added, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. he leaned over, briefly kissing my cheek. if we weren't in front of my family, i knew our lips would definitely be locked by now.

"so do i!" i clapped, smiling widely. i had been bursting with the joy of this news for weeks, but my label had made it clear i wasn't to tell anyone until i arrived home. it was huge for me, and i was just about ready to bubble over.

everyone laughed at my eagerness, and i didn't care. i couldn't deny it, or hold it in any longer.

"you can go first," grant chuckled, "it looks like you're about to explode."

i nodded at his words, i definitely felt that way. "well," i started, rubbing my hands together, "after a long time of planning and hard work, the label's finally confident in me to take the next step in my career."

everyone's eyebrows knitted together, and i could see their minds wondering what it could be.

"a full length album?" carlos questioned, raising an eyebrow at me.

"better!" carlos looked to grant, who frowned slightly, probably in his confusion. "a tour! guys, i'm going on tour with ryder mayfield and gwen chung!"

i watched as their mouths dropped open, awe and excitement overcoming my family and
friends. ryder and gwen were two of the biggest rising stars, and i was going to be on tour with them. my dream was coming true.

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