⋆ [03] phone call

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[phone call]

"hello, is this ainsley grey?"

"grant, you called me."

"yeah, i know."

"why are you being weird?"

"i don't know what you're talking about."

"uh, okay. what's up, babe? i'm sort of busy right now."

"too busy to talk to your boyfriend?"

"i'm never to busy for that. i did pick up, didn't i?"

"yes you did."

"so, what's wrong, grant?"

"oh, just the usual."

"and what's usually wrong?"

"i'm dying."

"care to elaborate, drama queen? i stopped mid vocal track to pick up."

"i'm dying because i miss you. i just wanted to hear your voice, ains."

"aw, grant. you're so sweet. i'm glad you're not here right now."

"wait, what? why?"

"because then you would see me blushing like crazy. i miss you, too, grant. only a few more days until i fly out for a visit."

"you're such a dork! thanks for freaking me out!"

"it's what i'm here for, right?"

"that, and kissing."

"kissing might be hard over the phone."

"good point. i'll be sure to make up for it in a few days when you're here."

"please do."

"no problem, it's what i'm here for."

"oh, gosh. we're super lame, aren't we?"

"well, maybe you are, but last time i checked, i'm a superhero."

"okay, grant."

"you're laughing."

"yeah, i am."

"good. i'll let you get back to work now, okay? text me later, beautiful."

"sure thing. talk to you later, tommy."

"hey, ainsley, i said don't call me tha-"


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