[92] private message

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[private message]

grant the ant
hey, did you see this?


gosh, grainsley is such an awful couple name

but yes, i've seen a few articles about that...

grant the ant
i think the name is growing on me

but, anyway, what do you think about them?

that they're written on basically no valid resources...?

grant the ant
hahahaha you're not wrong

i just wish that the media would stay out of that part of my life, you know?

grant the ant
oh, yeah, i know

i'm sorry about that

but at the same time, you're getting pretty famous ainsley. the media knowing almost everything about me and you, together or not, is going to be a thing from now on.

i know, i guess. it's just something i need to get used to.

grant the ant
yeah, it took some time for me, too

um, did it?

because these pictures beg to differ

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because these pictures beg to differ

they're also my favorite thing ever

grant the ant
HAHHA i forgot about those. oh, man!

but back to the whole relationship article...

yeah? what about it?

i mean, i wasn't surprised by it... since you know... we did hold hands and stuff..

grant the ant
yes we did

and i liked it. a lot.

well, i did too :)

grant the ant
and what about the relationship stuff?

well, we aren't "confirmed" so there is no relationship... haha

grant the ant
oh, yeah, well, right

what do you think about the "confirmed" thing, grant?

grant the ant
i'm not having this conversation through texting

can i come to your room? right now?

right now?

grant the ant
right now

well, okay, yeah

i mean, yes, absolutely!

grant the ant
okay, perfect. i'm coming.

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