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celebrity fashion + gossip all in one place

POPcelebrity fashion + gossip all in one place

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For months we've seen the sinking of our one of least liked ships ever, #Kysley - that's right, Kyle Matthews and Ainsley Grey actually had a ship name that no one knew about. Well, can we even call that a relationship?

Out of the wreckage of the not-so-elite relationship came #Kucy - a definite fan favorite. Lucy Mara + Kyle Matthews = perfection!

But apparently it's brought on another couple to be excited for! Introducing #Grainsley to the celebrity world! Ainsley Grey and Grant Gustin have been spotted all over Cali for the past few days after she showed up as his date to Cali's biggest awards show of the year for television stars.

This picture was snapped in Northern California, where the two were last spotted together, just yesterday evening! They were holding hands, and ~supposedly~ acting like the cutest couple of the year.

What do you think? Are these signs enough for you or will you deny everything until somebody from #Grainsley FINALLY confirms something?

We're taking our chances and saying things are getting serious between these two. Gustin, Grey, any help here?

Ainsley Grey's 1st Single Is Already Climbing The Charts

Candice Patton, Model?

Grant Gustin Talks The Long Awaited Musical Crossover

Best & Worst Dressed: CA TV Awards Edition

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