[58] private message

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[private message]

grant gustin
i'm going to do it. i'm going to tell ainsley how i feel about her.

carlos valdes
it's about time! you've only been crushing on her for like two months now

grant gustin
well, for most of that time she was taken 🙄

carlos valdes
by the possibly worst guy out there 🙄

grant gustin
he was actually pretty chill, before he got one shot at fame and did stupid things

carlos valdes
for real. and that was so fast smh

but he's dumb

ainsley is so pretty and she seems so nice

grant gustin
yeah, ainsley is really pretty and nice. she deserves so much better than him.

carlos valdes
you mean like you?

grant gustin
i mean, ainsley deserves the world. i could never be good enough for her, but i could definitely treat her better than he ever did.

carlos valdes
you absolutely could! and she'd be crazy to not like you back.

congrats on finally manning up, bro

grant gustin
shut up los

carlos valdes

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