Wednesday November 30, 2016

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Do you ever wonder why we help others instead of ourselves. So do i and for me my opinion is we try to help others because they might be hopeless inside. Today i needed that someone to help me and their was and he helped me get through my day today during school. I'm gonna tell you a story i remember when i was in 7th grade i was walking with my best friend she was 14 and i was 12 almost 13. We were walking to the bus it was 5:41 when we left my house. We had to be at the stop at 6:15 we were walking and then she wanted to race. That was always our thing running to the bus. But that day was different. We started to run and run and run. My shoe came untied so i told her to wait but she didn't wanna lose the race because i always told her to stop and i always ran when she turned back but she didn't listen this time when she reached the intersection she kept running. She didn't stop and i kept telling her to wait. She finally gave in and stopped but stopped to late. She didn't see the car coming and it hit her. i start to yell and cry and scream hoping someone would hear me. She flew to the other side of the road and she was hopeless and i tried everything i could to keep her awake. By the time the ambulance came she was gone it was 5:57 a.m. and i knew after her last breath that if i played that trick on her she would still be alive and i would've been gone. Everyday i wish it was me instead thinking maybe her life wouldn't be as bad as mine. Or maybe if we didn't run that day we go to the bus she would be alive with me. You may ask who this girl is and why i care so much. Her name was Jasmine. And maybe if that day didn't happen me and her would still know each other. Everyday after that i could never stop thinking about it. Yesterday was her birthday and she would have been 17.

R.I.P Jasmine Rodriguez

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