Him, Nobuchika Ginoza

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We met in high school. I can still remember the butterflies in my stomach whenever he passed by me or took a glance at me. Only problem? I just so happened to be the wallflower. A ghost. No one would notice me, so how would he, Nobuchika Ginoza, know me?

I can remember the day he did though. I sat in the back of the class in the corner, farthest from the door. He walked in with his best friend, Shinya Kogami. As they walked in talking he took a seat in front of me. He looked behind at me.

"H-Hi..", he stuttered.

"Hi...", I said back. Someone pinch me! Is this some really nice dream? Or did Ginoza just talked to me?

He turned around and resumed talking to Kogami, who sat right in front of him. I stared at the window until class begun.

Ginoza's POV

I walked in with Kogami into the math class and immediately spotted (Y/N). I blush just a bit and Kogami senses that.

"Oh look (Y/N)'s in the same class as us!" Kogami teased and wiggles his eyebrows.

"Shut up dude!" I said to him and we both walk to the seats in front of (Y/N).

We sat down and immediately after, Kogami turns around. "Dude! Say hi to her"

"W-What? No! She'll think it's creepy-"

"Or maybe she'll feel the same way about you. C'mon man. Take a risk"

I took a deep breath and turned behind me.

"H-Hi.." I stuttered. I could almost hear Kogami face palm.

"Hi.." she says back and I turn around.

"Dude. That was bad." Kogami says.

"Shut up I know"

We continue to talk until the bell rings and we are thrown into another hour of class again.

--Time Skip--

Another hour of class finally crawled by and we were free to go home. I get up and I hear Kogami walk to the back of the class.

"Hey (Y/N)! Wanna come hangout with me and Gino here?" He asks her.

"Oh! Uh.. sure. Lemme text my brother quickly." She says and she whips out her phone.

I pull Kogami by the collar. "Ow dude what the hell was that for?"

"Why the hell did you invite (Y/N)?" I whisper in his ear.

"Chill man, I'm tryna get you a girlfriend. Think of me as the matchmaker in this new relationship."

"Whatever." I say.

I turn around to look at (Y/N). Her (h/t) (h/c) that fits her so cutely. Her body frame. Every part I love. Especially her (e/c) eyes.

"Dude take a picture. It lasts a lot longer." Kogami says.

"Shut up" I say to him.

"Well, I guess I'm coming along with you guys." (Y/N) says.

"Great! Wanna come to the mall with us?" I asked.

"Sure!" She says and begins to follow us out of the door.

--Time Skip brought to you by Kogami trying to get Ginoza alone with (Y/N)--

(Y/N)'s POV

All three of us were walking around getting to know each other. As the sky gradually gets darker I glance at my watch.

"Crap, it's already 6?" I said out loud.

"Crap it's that late already?" Kogami says, "Well I'm gonna go home now. Bye guys"

"Wait what?" Me and Ginoza say simultaneously.

"Well, I guess I'll walk you back. I don't think it's safe for you to walk home by yourself." Ginoza said.

"O-Oh ok" And with that we both started to walk to my house. People say it's big and think my parents are some rich business people, but in truth, it's from my brother, (L/N) Katsuo. He's never home but I always tell him whenever I'm going to go out or something. We walk closer to my house and Ginoza gulps.

"Hm? What's wrong?" I ask.

"N-Nothing, your house is just really big" He says in awe.

"Really? Wanna come in?" I ask.

"Thanks but no thanks, my grandma wants me home by now." He says

"Aw. Ok then." I say. "Well I'll see you tomorrow!"

"See ya.." And he walks off.

--Time Skip to late at night--

I lounge around the couch in my living room, flipping through random channels on the TV. I think about if I didn't do any homework. I wasn't missing anything and I walk off into my room and turn off the lights and begin to slowly drift asleep.


Blood, a lot of it, gushing out of one part of their bodies. They used themselves as a human shied for me and Katsuo. They were rushed to the hospital and me and Katsuo paced around outside of their rooms. A doctor comes out and Katsuo walk towards the doctor.

"Are they ok?" Katsuo asks.

"I-I'm sorry, but your parents didn't survive the surgery." The doctor says sadly.

Katsuo turns around and shakes his head at me. Me and him burst into tears and the whole hospital watches us.

--End Dream--

I wake up crying. A whole bunch of tears slip down my face. I attempt to muffle my sobs but it's useless.

"I'm sorry mom and dad..."

--End of Chapter One--

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