Him, In Love

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--One Year After Graduating High School--

(Y/N)'s POV

"Congratulations! You have the aptitude to become an Inspector for the MWPSB" The screen read.

"W-What the hell?!" I said and immediately called Ginoza. He pick up the call and I scream in his ear.



"Ow! (Y/N) calm down please" Ginoza said.

"Ok ok sorry. But what do I do?" I asked.

"Easy. Become an Inspector."

"Heh. Wow ok then."

"No problem and now if you excuse me, I'm going to take the test now." he said.

"Ok! Good luck!" And with that he hung up.

30 minutes passed by and my phone rang again. Ginoza was calling. I picked up the phone.

"So uh, It says I should be an Inspector too." He says.

"Wow. This job is so perfect for you" I said.

"Yeah" He said back and laughed.

I laughed along with him.

"We should go out and celebrate!" I said.

"Y-Yeah we should" He said.

"Can you call Ko, for me please? For some reason he hasn't been answering my calls, I think he's mad at me.." I confessed.

"Sure no problem" And he hung up the phone again.

Ginoza's POV

After I hung up on (Y/N) I called Kogami. Within the first few rings, he answered.

"Sup dude."

"Have you done the test yet?" I asked.

"Yeah, I got Inspector, you?"

"Same thing. Along with (Y/N). Speaking of which, she says you haven't been returning her calls lately. Is something wrong?"

"Oh nothing's wrong. I just want you to talk to her more than me. Like honestly man, me and her talk more than we do, and I've known you for longer."

"Oh.. By the way she asks if you wanted to go out and celebrate with us."

"Sorry man. I'm busy. You go with her."


"Look dude it's been 4 years and you still have a crush on her as if it was the first day of sophomore year. Just ask her out. Maybe she has the same feelings towards you."

"But what if-"

"Nah dude. Don't use the what if's with me. Ask her out and tell me all about it."


"Oh sorry bro. I gotta go." and with that he hangs up and I text (Y/N).


Me: So Ko says he can't come.

(Y/N): Awh! That's a shame.. Oh well, at least I have you!

Me: Haha. Yes you do.

(Y/N): So where do you wanna go?

Me: How about that mall we went to when we first hung out?

(Y/N): Hmm... Sounds good. See you there!

Me: Ok, I'll pick you up at 6?

(Y/N): Great! I'll see you!

--End text--

Is it a date? Technically I didn't ask her. So... no. Maybe I'll confess when we go to one of the cafes or something.

The time flew by very fast and it was already 5:30. Shit. I gotta get ready. I got ready and left the house at 5:40-ish. I arrived at her house in my car by 6:10. I knocked on her door and was greeted by her. She was wearing light colored jeans, a black shirt, and a green bomber jacket. Her (h/l) (h/t) hair complimented her, just as it did 4 years ago.

"So are we going now?" She asks.

"Oh! Uh yeah." I walked over to the car and pulled the door open for her.

"Awe! Gino is such a gentleman!" She says.

I blushed and walked over to the driver's side car and get in. The radio turns on and plays (Y/N)'s favorite song, (f/s). As she's singing along I can't help but smile. She's so adorable like this. A few minutes later and we are at the mall. We walked around looking in the stores and finally stop at a cafe. Crap. Should I tell her about me feelings? I start to panic a little and (Y/N) notices.

"Chika-kun.. Are you ok?" She says, calling me that nickname she made for me when we were juniors in high school.

"Yeah I'm ok" I said reassuring her.

We walk over to a seat and sit down.

"So. U-Uh. God, I don't know how to say this out loud."

"Say what out loud? It's ok you can tell me"

"I like you." I say straight forward. "I mean. Yeah I like you, but I didn't want to say it that way! Damn it.."

She starts laughing.

"Aww, Chika-Kun! Your adorable!" She says as she continues to giggle.

"I'm saying it for real tho-"

"I like you too. And not as friends, but more than that.." She says blushing.

"What. You like me back?"

"Yeah.. For a long time now too."

Holy. Did she just say she likes me too?

"W-Will you go out with me?" I asked

"Yes. I will" She says with a wink and comes over to kiss my cheek.

After all of that we drank our drinks and I drove her back home. As soon as I did that I called Kogami.

"So how'd it-"

"She said yes"

"I knew it! You can say thank you now" He says and I can hear him smirk on the other line.

"Haha. Thanks."

"I gotta go dude. Sorry"

"Ok then." And I hung up the phone.

When I got back, I changed into a loose shirt and some sweatpants and went to sleep, for the first time in a few weeks, happy.

--End of Chapter 2--

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