Him, and Permission

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It's been 6 months since the Specimen Case. Since then, Kogami was demoted to an enforcer and thus the search for a new one began. Even though (Y/N) was already 7 months in, Ginoza felt like she wasn't capable of doing the same work as he could (which was not true, (Y/N) was just as good as him)

(Y/N)'s POV

I was sitting at my desk doing paperwork. Which was the only thing Ginoza had been assigning me since the moment Kogami was demoted to an Enforcer. Like damn. I really want to go out help solve crime. But no. 'You might get hurt'. Well no shit sherlock. Of course I'm gonna get hurt, but that's all a part of the job, right?

"I heard we're getting a new Inspector today" Kagari said, interrupting my thoughts. Great. A new inspector.

"We wouldn't need one though if Ginoza let (Y/N) help out" Yayoi remarked, still looking at her computer screen.

Well, at least someone understands.

"Yeah, what's up with that? Isn't like the maximum of Inspectors only 2 per division?" Kagari asked.

"Shut up and do your work" Ginoza snarled from his desk.

We all went back to work and I continued going off into la la land every now and then. Before I knew it, it was already almost time to leave, until an alarm sounded.

High stress level area has been decoded. All working enforcers and inspectors, please come to the scene. Thank you.

My eyes immediately widened.

"Gino! Can I come?" I shot my hand up. He looked at me weirdly. I was waiting for a no, since that was the only answer I got.

"Fine. We're short on man power."

I smiled like a child who just got ice cream. I was so happy and everyone could sense that.

"Aww! She's so happy", Kagari said.

The enforcers went into their dark van and I carpooled with Ginoza. The drive was silent. To silent. It wasn't a comfortable one, like the ones where Ginoza and I would just hangout in our now shared apartment.

"Don't get hurt" Ginoza said out of the blue.


"Don't get hurt. I would never forgive myself if you did."

"I won't. It takes a lot to hurt me"

"I know but, I just don't want you to anyway. Don't go running off into a dark alley or something"

And you're telling me this now Gino? I stayed quiet but nodded my head in response. The drive was thankfully not to long and I was able to go out to the crime scene.

"A street scanner spotted a Nobuo Okura flagging him with a  high crime coefficient. The drones were trying to convince him to go to therapy, but instead ran off. Witnesses say that he took a woman with him too. And now we have received word that he's hiding out in this building" Ginoza said in a serious tone.

I tried to hard to not laugh. He was never like this at home. At home he was a stubborn, shy, cute blushing mess of an inspector that could get very romantic quickly. He was never serious, unless we were fighting, which was rare, or talking about his ideas on a case we're working on. It started to rain. Damn, now my hair's gonna get all messed up. My (h/l) (h/c) hair was never good in the rain. As me and Ginoza was talking about a case I heard running footsteps behind me. We both turned around to see a young lady with short brown hair, catching her breath.

"Akane Tsunemori. Reporting for duty!"

"No need with for the formalities. We're a little short on manpower so I'm not going to give you the rookie treatment" Ginoza said.

He threw the dark blue windbreaker at her. I felt so bad that she had to start on a job like this. First day too? Damn.

"I'm (Y/N). Nice to meet you" I held out my hand.

"I'm Akane" She shook my hand. She seems cute. The enforcer van started to drive around.

"What you're about to meet are people, who's crime coefficients are so high, they should be in an isolation facility. But we take them out to hunt other criminals, just like themselves. They are called enforcers." Ginoza said with a matter of fact tone.

I just rolled my eyes. I was still stunned at how he could just leave Kogami like that. One by one the enforcers all came out. I saw Kagari blushing at the direction of the new girl.

"Hey I didn't think the new Inspector would be so cute!" Kagari exclaimed. I hit him on the head lightly with my board. He faked cried and whined on how his head hurt and we both started to laugh about it. We could feel Ginoza's hard stares so we both shut up and listened with the plans.

"(Y/N), Kunizuka, and Kagari are with me. Masaoka and Kogami are with Inspector Tsunemori."

"Aww. I wanted to be with the cute inspector!" Kagari exclaimed. Me and Ginoza both rolled our eyes.

"Lets gooo" I said and the chase begun.

--Time Skip--

"We. Finally. Caught. The. Damn. Guy." I said in between breaths.

"This is why I don't bring you on cases" Ginoza remarked.

"Oh shut up, the last time I was out like this was..... a really long time!"

"Whatever. Let's go home."

I glanced at the new girl. She shot Ko. My best friend. I was kinda mad at her, but I also saw that she felt sorry for him. I have no idea how to feel sometimes.

Me and Ginoza we once again carpooling. The ride was silent, a comfortable silence. As I was looking out the window I heard Ginoza say something.

"Were you hurt?"

"Huh? No I wasn't"

"Good, you kept my promise."

"Uh, babe we didn't promise anything right?"

"We did. In my head"

I laughed. Of course he would say that. I continued looking out of the window until we pulled into the parking lot of our apartment. We took the elevator up to the room and as soon as we walked in, we both face planted into the soft and cozy bedsheets.

"Babe, I'm tired. I'm gonna sleep now" I said with a yawn.

"Me too."

I fake gasped "The one and only Nobuchika Ginoza, is going to sleep?"

"Shut up"

I giggled and walked over to wrap my arms around his waist.

"I love you."

"I love you too. Now go get changed so you can go sleep"


I changed into my warm pajamas and plopped next to the spot Ginoza was. I rested my head on his chest and wrapped my legs around his legs and his waist. He placed his arms at my waist, and one in my hair, massaging it.

"Good night baby" I said

"Good night" and we both drifted off into a deep sleep.

--End of Chapter 8--

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