2. Sauce on Shirts & Something in the Way

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Sauce on Shirts & Something in the Way


The students turned as they heard the familiar footsteps of a particular student. Everyone stopped to stare at the registered bad boy of Marino High. Ally rolled her eyes and went back to her lunch. Dez sat happily popping grapes into his mouth as Trish attempted to make polite conversation.

"What class do you have next?" Trish wondered blandly.

"I have math." Dez answered warily. A smile broke out on Ally's face as she realized why.

"Well isn't that just dandy." Trish mumbled before Dez tapped her on the shoulder, trying to get her attention.

"Trish." Dez stated simply. Trish turned slowly and glared back at the red headed fellow Ally had forced her to invite to lunch.

"What?" She hissed.

"We have math together." Dez answered. Trish sighed and patted Dez on the head lightly.

"That's great." Trish said. She stood up and threw the rest of her lunch away, leaving Ally and Dez to eat alone.

"So, do you want to sit with Trish and I during math?" Ally inquired. Dez's face lit up at the mention of math.

"Yes! Thank you." Dez exclaimed happily. Ally laughed lightly at their new friend. She had wanted to ask him to sit with them for so long now. She had seen him siting alone for quite some time, since middle school, actually. She felt bad that he had no one.

"Dez." Ally started. Dez looked up warily, already knowing by the tone that Ally was about to ask him something serious.

"Yeah?" He replied.

"Do you... I mean, not to sound rude or anything but... Do you have any friends?" Ally asked, stumbling along with with her word choices. Dez glanced down at his feet as he thought through his answer.

"No. I haven't had any friends since eighth grade year." Dez answered surely. He turned his attention to the obnoxious boy sitting at the center table in the cafeteria. The blond threw his feet up and rested them on the table as he glared around the room at the students slowly.

"Austin was your friend." Ally wondered aloud. She had remembered the two from before, she had never put the pieces together, though.

"Yeah, he was. We were best friends actually. I had never had anyone that close to me before. Then, one day, things changed. He stopped being my friend and left me alone, only to bully me come to present day." Dez explained simply, as if this was so normal for him. Ally frowned in empathy for him. She felt even worse now. She had waited until their senior year to invite him to lunch.

"I'm sorry, Dez." Ally said, barely above a whisper. Dez glanced up at the shy songwriter sitting across from him.

"Ally, it's not your fault. I appreciate that you even invited me to lunch in the first place. I know Trish isn't exactly happy about it, but it means a lot to me." Dez finished just as the bell signaling the end of lunch rang. Ally sighed and picked up her tray, following Dez to the nearest exit. As she walked, she felt lost in her thoughts. She had never known that Austin had just left Dez suddenly. She had always assumed they had gotten into a fight. She reached out to throw the trash away. But, given her luck, someone just so happened to walk between her and the trash can right at that moment.

"What is wrong with you!" The boy shrieked. The other students stopped and gasped as they saw the sight before them. Ally Dawson, the nerd of the senior class, had just dumped her lunch on Austin Moon, bad boy, the one no one ever messed with. Ally smiled nervously as she tried to find a way out of this.

"I'm so sorry. I had no idea you were there." Ally rambled. Dez nodded slightly before running out of the cafeteria. Austin swiped his finger over the cheese and sauce left over from Ally's pizza that now rested on the floor. He let the residue rest on his finger for only a moment before Ally saw a flash of anger in the boys eyes. Within seconds, Austin had flicked it towards Ally's face. Ally's eyes closed instinctively as the sauce hit her face in little specs. She cringed at the thought that Austin may have ruined one of her only outfits. She took a deep breath before opening her eyes to see Austin wearing a smirk. He laughed lightly down at her. Ally huffed before wiping her face off with a napkin and walking away. Austin's eyes went wide as he watched the small girl walk away from him.

"Hey!" Austin yelled. The majority of the student body had left to class by now, leaving only the bad boy, the songwriter, and about ten other students in the cafeteria. Ally spun on her heel to face Austin as he stopped just a foot away. Ally crossed her arms over her chest as she waited for Austin to continue.

"What?" Ally asked, losing her patience for the boy. He frowned in confusion as he looked the girl up and down.

Why hadn't she done anything? Why did she walk away?

"No one, walks away from Austin Moon." He said simply. Ally rolled her eyes and looked back up at the abnormally tall boy.

"Well, I just did." Ally replied before she turned back to the hallway. The warning bell rang.

"Shoot." Ally whispered as she raced down the hall and to her locker. She spun the dial quickly before a hand slammed down on the locker next to her's. Ally turned to see Austin still wasn't giving up. Ally fell softly against her locker as she waited for him to get it over with. Waited for him to finally give up on this.

"Why would you walk away? Most girls like the bad boys. In fact, most girls love the bad boys. What makes you so different?" Austin wondered incredulously. Ally sighed and opened her locker, taking out her backpack and books for her next classes. She closed it to see Austin was now the one waiting. He wanted answers.

"You know what makes me different?" Ally countered. Austin shook his head.

"No." Austin answered honestly. He genuinely had no idea what made Ally so different from all the rest.

"I'm not most girls." Ally whispered before she brushed past the bad boy. She smiled to herself as she turned the corner and glanced back at the boy. He still stood dumbfounded in the middle of the hallway. His sight was fixated on one tile sitting at the corner of the hall. The one that Ally had been standing on during their conversation. She shook her head and walked into math, apologizing to their teacher for her late arrival and promising it would never happen again. Ally took her seat and quickly got out her notebook, scribbling down the problems. Trish continued to poke Ally in the shoulder as Ally continued working. From the looks of it, Trish and Dez had been done for about five minutes. Ally took a deep breath as she looked over to her best friend.

"Yes, Trish?" Ally greeted. Trish let her hand fall to rest on her desk.

"Why were you late?" Trish whispered. Dez nodded happily, wanting to get in on the action. Ally laughed quietly at the two.

"Something got in my way." Ally answered simply. Trish scoffed at her friend's simple answer. Dez frowned in disappointment before he took over Trish's poking job. Ally threw her head back before looking to her two friends.

"Seriously Ally. What "thing" got in the way of you getting to class?" Trish asked. Ally sighed and leaned in close.

"Austin. Austin Moon got in my way."


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