11. Bets & Because

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Bets & Because


"I never thought I would see your face." Austin teased as he noticed the small songwriter walking towards him. Ally laughed and threw her bag down on the ground before hopping up and taking her previous spot from lunch next to the bad boy.

"We have our next class together, though. That ruins your plans of not seeing me." Ally countered with a smile. Austin shook his head with a laugh.

"Hey, all I meant was, I never thought I would see you skipping class to hang out with me. Half an hour ago, you were practically yelling at me for even talking about it." Austin added. Ally rolled her eyes and smiled.

"Yeah, well, when you're bored in math class, anything sounds good." Ally teased. Austin laughed and nodded, instantly knowing the feeling.

"Oh really? You can't even admit that hanging out with me is all you've been thinking about lately?" Austin said, his voice taking on a slightly more serious tone. He himself had only had thoughts of the songwriter. He had silently hoped she had thought the same of him. Ally blushed slightly as she moved her glance to the ground. She couldn't have him seeing her this way. He would get the wrong idea, just like when he had been kidding her at lunch. Truth be told, Austin had been the only person helping her get through their last months of senior year. Her supposed best friends, were missing in action. Simply because of her newfound friendship, and partnership, with Austin Moon.

"Fine. Maybe I do like hanging out with you." Ally replied as she turned to look at the boy next to her. Austin smiled. He smiled so genuinely, it even threw Ally for a loop. She had never seen him this way.

"Good, cause I like hanging out with you, too." Austin whispered.

Trish rolled her eyes at the sight of the two. Austin had to be lying. He had to be using her for something. He couldn't just want to be friends with the nerd of the senior class during their last few months of school. Their graduation was drawing closer and closer everyday, only making Austin's argument, less plausible. Trish frowned as she drew a blank as to Austin's sudden interest in the teenage songwriter. The only thought that came to mind was the fact that Ally was smart. She could have his ticket to a passing grade in every one of his classes. The partnership thing still confused Trish to no end. She shook her head as the two continued to laugh and get to know each other. Soon enough, Ally's heart would be broken, and she would finally see that herself and Dez, were right about this kid the whole time. Trish sighed and left her best friend on the roof as she walked back to class.

"Should we just stay up here for history? I hear we're talking about something boring." Austin asked as he leaned back against the wall. Ally laughed.

"What exactly are we talking about?" Ally wondered. If she knew the subject well enough, she might consider the idea. Truth he told, being here with Austin was amazing.

"I don't know. Something that happened a long time ago." Austin mumbled as he sat back up to face Ally.

"Well since you don't know, I guess we're going to have to go and learn." Ally teased. Austin groaned. He thought he could convince the girl to stay here with him. He didn't want to face the halls again. He wanted to forget that this school even existed. He hated it. He hated being the bad boy. But his ticket out, was sitting in front of him. And he was beginning to get the lines between what she was supposed to be, and what she was turning into, blurred to the point where he couldn't read. He had planned for Ally to be the boring songwriter slash nerd that he had heard of. He never planned to actually enjoy her company. He liked being with her. He liked looking over and seeing her next to him. He never wanted this moment to end, in fact.

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