15. Sorry's & Secrets

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Sorry's & Secrets


The four made their way to Sonic Boom, laughing the whole way. Austin couldn't remember the last time he had laughed like this, with real friends. It felt right to have the four of them together. He loved catching up with Dez while he was able to sneak glances Ally's way. She would smile shyly as her checks grew red before she turned away until their next meeting. Austin shook his head as he turned his attention to his best friend who was already talking about their first music video.

"And then we can get a kangaroo and a leather jacket-"

"Whoa, buddy. Ally and I haven't even written a song yet. But I promise, in one of my videos we can have a... Kangaroo and a leather jacket." Austin interrupted, leaving a large smile on his best friend's face. Austin laughed lightly as Ally's face turned from amusement to terror at the mention to what their music video would entail.

"Wait, why do we need a kangaroo?" Ally asked worriedly. Austin laughed as he stopped walking momentarily, pulling Ally over to his side behind Trish and Dez.

"Because Dez wants one." Austin whispered as he entangled he and Ally's fingers. He could feel Ally shutter slightly as he held her close. She kept her eyes on the ground as the four made their way into the mall, walking swiftly to the music store Austin had only dreamed of.

"Wow." Austin breathed as he and Ally stopped by the door. Ally pulled out her keys and opened the doors, switching the sign to open as the four teens stepped inside. Ally pulled Austin along as they walked up to the practice room, throwing their things inside before Austin felt Ally drop his hand and race back down the stairs. Trish followed her best friend while Austin and Dez hung out in the practice room. Austin sighed and fell back into the piano bench, letting his fingers glide over the keys of the old piano. Dez smiled before pulling over a chair himself.

"You like it here?" Dez teased. Austin nodded surely as he looked over to his friend.

"I love it here. It's like, anything a musician could ask for. Have you ever seen so many instruments?" Austin asked as he stood up and walked over to the still open door. Austin glanced down to the store as Dez sat back, waiting for the inevitable conversation to hit.

"No, not until I came here." Dez answered, knowing it was true. He was just as starstruck the first time he had come in, as well. Austin smiled as he watched Ally help each costumer, Trish sitting on the back counter simply reading a magazine. Dez felt his eyebrows raise as the smile landed on his friend's face. He knew why, he had known from the moment the bad boy met the small songwriter. He liked her, a lot. Neither Trish nor Dez could ignore the stares back and forth that the two shared just on the way down to the store. That relationship would soon be more than just music partners.

"You like her." Dez said seriously, bringing Austin's attention instantly back to his red headed friend. A nervous smile took over Austin's face as he thought through his possible excuses for staring.

"Well, I was just looking at the tuba-"

"Austin," Dez tried once more, "Anyone can see the way you two look at each other, and know, that you like each other."

"So? What's the big deal?" Austin mumbled defensively. Dez had always had the power to see right through his lies. That was part of the reason Austin had to drop Dez in the eight grade. The less people who knew he was faking bad boy, the better.

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