6. Realizations & Realities

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Realizations & Realities


"And why on earth did you never tell me?" Trish squealed as the three friends left the office. Ally rolled her eyes and walked along with her friends down the side walk that led them to the mall. Dez laughed quietly to himself at the two girls. Trish had gotten so excited within seconds of meeting Ally's boyfriend. Dez, personally, was not a fan. Trish on the other hand, loved that this kid had finally gotten a hold of Ally. Dez could not forget the look on Austin's face when he had found out that Ally was, indeed, taken. He knew his old friend had feelings for the songwriter. He could see it in the way they acted around each other. He knew deep down that Ally would probably end up falling for the supposed bad boy. It was inevitable to say the least.

"I never told you, because I wanted to see where it was going. It's not like I was just going to announce it to the world. Plus, he moved away a few years ago and he just moved back. If it makes you feel any better we've only been dating for two weeks." Ally ranted as the teens walked into the store entrance. Dez's eyes widened as he took in surroundings. This place was amazing. There were instruments covering every inch of the store. It was probably Ally's dream come true to work with all of this every day. Dez made his way around the store as the best friends continued their girl talk. Dez was great-full he had something other to do than that. This store was pretty interesting.

"So, how and when did he ask you?" Trish asked, prodding her best friend for the given information. Ally laughed lightly as she pulled out her songbook and laid it out on the counter.

"He asked me to be his girlfriend, officially, about four days ago. But we've been out on six dates over the past two weeks, so it only made sense. And he got me flowers and a heart shaped box of chocolates." Ally gushed to her best friend. Trish smiled as she pictured a certain red head asking her in a way much like Ally and her new boyfriend.

Trish shook her head, trying to rid herself of that thought. Why would she be thinking of Dez that way? They had only been friends for a day. On the other hand, they had been keeping their eternal battle going for a much longer time. They did know each other pretty well. It did make some sense that Trish was just realizing her feelings for the teenage film maker. She let herself fall back to her conversation with ally. There was plenty of time to figure out whether or not she liked Dez.

"Do you like him?" Dez asked as he walked over to the counter to stand by Trish. Trish blushed and looked down at the ground as Dez stood right up next to her.

"Of course I like him. Why wouldn't I?" Ally asked quizzically as she leaned her elbows on the counter. She let her chin rest on the palms of her hands as she waited for Dez to explain himself. He couldn't be suggesting she didn't like her crush of three years. Yes, Ally and Elliot hadn't seen each other for a while, but Ally was already getting back to her old, in love with him, self. Elliot had been an important aspect of her life, and now she had him as her own.

"I just though you might like someone else." Dez hinted before he walked off to the piano sitting at the corner of the store. Trish frowned in confusion. He couldn't like Ally, could he? He had to like her back. Trish and Dez made so much more sense than Dez and and Ally. It was only logical. That was the little thinking that Trish actually wanted to do a day, figure out whether her current crush, did feel the way she did. It would crush her if Dez had those feelings for Ally.

"I don't like anyone else. And even if I did, who do you think it would be?" Ally asked, trying to get to the bottom of this. She would not stand there and wonder who Dez thought her romantic feelings were targeted towards.

"Austin. I just thought that since you two spent most of the day together you might be starting to like him." Dez answered simply before returning to his state of staring at the piano keys. He had no idea how to play this. He was more of a camera guy.

"Dez, just because two people talk for a little but does not mean they like each other." Ally scoffed. Trish smiled slightly at her best friend. Ally jumped up on the counter and thought for a bit. Why would Dez assume that she liked Austin? They had just started talking today, and Ally hated every minute of it. She didn't even want to think about Austin that way. He was the bad boy. She had no interest what so ever in that kind of person.

"Dez, what might have led you to think this? Because from the looks of it Ally wants to ask, but she won't." Trish said, quickly bringing Ally out of her thoughts. Ally looked over to Dez expectantly as the two waited for the boy to speak.

"I think Austin likes Ally." Dez said simply. Ally looked from Trish to Dez, as if waiting for one to contradict the other. She almost wished the two would get into a fight. She wanted more than anything for Trish to prove Dez wrong.

"Trish?" Ally tried. Trish shrugged, already leading onto the fact that she was on Dez's side of things.

"I don't think he's wrong. He was Austin's best friend for years, Ally. I think he would know him better than we do." Trish argued. Ally sighed and threw her head back in aggravation. She did not like Austin like that. She isn't like Austin. Period.


"No, we know you don't like him. We just said Austin liked you." Dez interrupted as he stood to stand by Trish. Trish nodded and crossed her arms over her chest as she watched Ally look between the two.

"How can you tell Austin likes me?"

Austin shook his head as he pushed through the front door of his house. His parents were gone on business, thus, he had the house to himself. He would probably have a party. He was always able to clean up before they returned. Not that they cared anyway. They were only ever home for two hours at a time.

Austin threw his jacket onto the couch as he made his way to the kitchen. It was still stocked with food since there was only technically one person ever home. He rolled his eyes as he pushed through the pile of snack foods in the cabinets. Nothing sounded good to him. Not that he was able to keep his mind on anything other than Ally, though.

He shook his head. She means nothing. She means less than nothing. She was the good girl. Goody-two-shoes. What would she be doing with someone like him anyhow? Sure, he needed a song writer for the time being. But she would never see him seriously. She would always see him as the bad boy. The one she couldn't trust. The one that would eventually break her heart.

He sighed as he leaned back against the counter. That is what would happen. He had already planned on it being that way. He almost felt bad about it by now. He could see the sadness written on Ally's face before he left her for the fame. He would never get there without her, though. He needed her. He needed her songs. He needed Dez's skills with the camera. And then, he needed to find a manager. Who was that girl who hung out with Dez and Ally anyway? She might be what he needed. But none of that mattered. All that mattered, was winning them over. And he would do anything to do so.

He needed to get Ally alone. She was too on guard when she was around those two. He had to get her somewhere where she would be comfortable. Somewhere where she'd have an open mind. Where she wouldn't turn him away before he was even able to get out what he needed her to hear.

He would take her to the beach, after school on Monday. That seemed like a good plan. Everyone liked the beach. Ally would finally see him, for him. Or the him that he would have to create to win her over.

He wouldn't have to create anyone, though. He would just use himself. Not the bad boy that everyone thought he was. The boy who scared away everyone before they had a chance to even get to know him. He would bring back the innocent boy. He would bring out the one who had a passion for music. The one who loved to be crazy and reckless and stupid with his red headed best friend. He would have to bring back the one and only, Austin Moon. But only for a bit. When he was famous, that would be how people knew him. This act, would have to go on for the rest of his life.


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