12. Nevers & Notes

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Never & Notes


"Because, I'm just helping you through a couple of classes. You don't need to sit by the nerd. You don't even need to talk with me, anymore. So go sit with them." Ally mumbled angrily. Austin stood back in shock as a frown took form on his face. Where did Ally get this? They had been talking just mere minutes ago about how they liked spending time together.


"Class is starting." Ally interrupted. Austin shook his head and glanced around to see everyone looking to them with questioning glances. He smiled shyly before ducking down to the sit in front of the said "nerd", hoping this wouldn't take down his bad boy rep. That was all he had at this point since Ally was now angry with him. He came to class early, just for Ally. He actually came to class for her. He had been skipping all week, weeks before that, even. Why was she suddenly so furious with him? Austin sighed and turned to face the front of the classroom to see the teacher had started the lesson. Austin could already feel his eyes drawing closed at the sight of a whiteboard covered in writing of the day's lessons. It seemed as though he wasn't the only one ignoring the lesson, though. He took glances back to his supposed songwriter every few minutes to see she had her head shoved into a book.

Ally knew Austin was looking at her. She could practically feel his eyes glued to her. She couldn't remember a time that he wasn't glancing back, not paying the slightest bit of attention to the teacher. She sighed as she finally allowed herself to take into consideration that she was also missing out on something that could help her later in life.

Ally spun around as someone tapped her shoulder. She turned to come face to face with her best friend. She smiled slightly as Trish handed her a small, folded piece of paper. Ally nodded and turned back around, trying ever so hard not to have the teacher witness this. Ally warily set the note out onto her desk and opened it slowly.

~I'm sorry we had to tell you those things, Ally. It was just what we overheard in the hallway after you walked into class. ~

Ally felt sadness overcome her as she read over the note. Trish and Dez had heard Austin's words in the hallway, after, she left. He had specifically asked her to go to class before talking with Dallas.


The name hit her hard every time she heard it. She still flinched every time she heard his voice in the hallway. The relentless teasing had stopped since back then, but there were still moments when Dallas would show up out of no where. Ally had at first thought he had wanted to be friends. That he might like her. She was way off. Just because she had a crush on him in sixth grade, definitely did not mean he liked her back. He must have found out. That's the only reason Ally could come up with. She had never talked with the boy before that day. The day that the bullying started. She used to be able to pass in the hallways without a problem, but with middle school, came Dallas. That's when her troubles started.

Ally shook away the name. She didnt want to relive her experiences with that boy. She wanted to forget his existence. But ever since her little deal with Austin, he had been showing up more and more. Ally was glad in a way that her friends did tell her of what happened. Now she would be able to cut the connection before it became too strong. Although it still strung like a stab in the back, it would heal with time.

~It's okay. You did what you had to.~

Ally scribbled down before throwing the note behind her as the teacher's back was turned to the class. Trish reached out and grabbed the note with ease before holding it over for her and Dez to read. They had pulled their desks together for the class.

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