7. Sunsets & Set Deals

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Sunsets & Set Deals


"Ally, there's a note for you." Lester called to his daughter as he walked into the family store from the middle of the mall. Ally smiled brightly, instantly letting her mind fall to the boyfriend she liked so much. She hadn't been able to see him all day since they had no classes together. Luckily, she didn't have to see Austin all day, either. The last time she saw him was Friday in the office.

"Thanks, dad." Ally said as she carefully took the note out of his hand. There was a rose attached to the side of the note. Ally happily brought the rose up to her nose and took in the scent. It was beautiful. Ally reached under the counter for a glass to place it in. She set the stem into the glass and reached for her water bottle. She steadily poured the water into the glass. She smiled at her good work before looking to the untouched note. There, on the back, was her name written in cursive. She flipped it over in her hand to see the note was held shut by a red heart sticker commonly used on valentines day. She felt herself blush at the note. What could Elliot want to tell her? Ally shook away all resistance she had and swiftly opened the note. She quickly unfolded the pice of paper to see there was a short message written of in cursive on the inside.


I wanted to have some alone time with you since we have not had the time as of recently. I want to get to know you better. Meet me on the grassy hill above the beach across from the pier at sunset. I have so thing to ask you.


Your secret admirer

Ally felt a wide grin creep onto her face as she looked the note over for the second time. She couldn't believe Elliot had been this romantic. He must have been waiting to bring this out. She had never known he had this in him. Let alone the fact that Ally loved things liked this. She loved love in general, anyway. Ally glanced up at the door to see her two best friends waltzing through the door.

"Hey guys." Ally greeted before she slipped the note into her pocket. As much as she loved Trush and Dez, she wanted to keep this a secret. They would somehow find a way to ruin it.

"Hey, Ally. Where did the rose come from." Trish wondered as she walked over and took her usual place in front of the counter. Ally smiled nervously as she reached out and took the rose, making her way up the stairs shortly after. She could feel her friends trailing after her to the practice room. Ally sighed and set the rose down on the piano before turning to face her friends.

"It's just a present from Elliot." Ally said, trying to brush off the subject. She didn't want her friends finding out about their meeting later.

"That's adorable!" Trish squealed as she raced over to hug her friend. Dez smiled happily at the sight. He was genuinely happy for Ally. That, and this was giving him ideas on how to ask Trish out. If she liked cheesy romantic things like this, he would find out through Ally's little romance story. If she liked the non romantic way of doing things though, he would find that out, too. Not only through Ally's relationship with Elliot, but her relationship with Austin. Dez knew Austin liked Ally. But he also knew Austin, the new Austin, would never go to this extent to get a girl. All he had to do was snap his fingers to get a girl, now.

"I know! I love it." Ally gushed as she turned to look at the rose.

"I never saw Elliot as someone who would do something like this." Trish pointed out as the three made their way down the stairs. Ally nodded while Dez tried to listen.

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