18. Liking & Loving

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Liking & Loving


The four filed into the principle's office just as the bell signaling their fifth hour class had started. Ally kept her eyes low as she tried to keep her nervousness under control. Trish and Austin kept calm, knowing this was nothing new, while Dez, stood back and glanced around at the various movie posters hanging around their principle's office. He had never known the man to be a man of such amazing culture. Ally stood at the far left side, Austin next to her, with Trish and then Dez standing next to them. The principle brought his hands together as he rested his chin against he backs of his hands, his elbows resting on his desk as he glanced at the four before him. Ally continued to stare at her feet as her hands fumbled together. Austin looked over at her, resisting the urge to grab her hand. He wanted her to be calm. He hated that he brought this on the group. It didn't seem right that they were standing here with him. He should take the fall for the whole thing. The only problem is, he wasn't the only one with food all over himself. The others also wore a great amount of the evidence the teacher had explained just minutes ago.

"So, we had a little food fight at lunch, did we?" He started as he stood up, staying behind his desk as he waited for one to answer him. Austin nodded.

"Kind of." He mumbled as he looked up the their biggest authority figure. He nodded as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"You, Austin, I expected this. Trish, I will not lie by saying I'm surprised to be seeing you here. But Ally, Dez, what happened? Just within this past week I have called you four in here twice." He ranted. Austin knew he was trying to make a difference by nagging on the four, but he knew this would only impact Ally.

"The first time was actually an accident for them-"

"Moon, don't start. You were the only one that didn't stay long enough to talk with me about after school last week." He interrupted sternly. Austin nodded and let his own glance fall to the floor. He knew he wasn't exactly credible in this situation. Or in any situation, for that matter.

"I already know what happened from your teacher. But, what I would like to know, is who started it? I have my ideas, but I would still, like to know for sure." He asked simply of them. Austin frowned, noticing a certain gentleness to his voice that he had never received before. Usually he was yelled at for half an hour before he was released to the halls once more. It must have been because the others were by his side. Even Trish had a better record than he did.

"I did. I started it." Austin spoke up, looking back to the principle as he did so. He nodded knowingly, already predicting that it was his most problem senior that had gotten the other three into this mess.

"So I thought-"

"I did it. He's covering for me. I started the food fight." Ally squeaked, keeping her eyes on the ground. The principle frowned as he watched the girl.

"Ally? Why would you start it?" He asked in disbelief at the girl would probably rain valedictorian this year.

"I thought it would be fun." Ally mumbled, hoping he would buy it. Austin couldn't afford another mark on his record. He needed to graduate with them if they wanted to be famous. She would take the fall, knowing their principle, he wouldn't even give her detention.

"Well, I guess since this is your first offense, I can only ask you to help out in cleaning the classroom. That goes for the rest of you as well. I am very disappointed in you, Ms. Dawson." He issued before motioning for the four to exit his office. They nodded before pushing Dez out in front of them. He had missed the entire conversation that had just happened. The group walked out into the hallway before Austin pulled Ally over to the side.

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