17. Cooking & Cake Batter

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Cooking & Cake Batter


The three friends laughed as the flour seemed to jump out of the bag at them. Ally let her eyes close as her face was covered in the white, powdery substance, while Trish and Dez simply laughed at each other. Baking had never been the three's strong suit. Yet, they continued to take home economics. Ally rolled her eyes before picking up a towel off the end of the table and wiping off her face, handing the towel to her two friends before glancing over to the clock. They only had ten minutes left.

"Guys! What do we do? We're not anywhere near done with the assignment yet." Ally whined as she began to pace around their work station. Trish shrugged and handed the towel to Dez who was still covered in flour.

"Can we ask to stay in here at lunch?" Trish asked hopefully. Ally sighed as her friend gave her the solution she needed. She would feel helpless, otherwise. Ally nodded before racing over to their teacher. He sat happily behind his desk, continuing his book from the last few days, before perking up as Ally stopped a few feet from him.

"Hello, Ally. What can I do for you?" He asked, hoping it wasn't much. It would be a terrible trouble to actually have to teach. Ally smiled.

"Would you mind if Trish, Dez, and I stayed in for lunch? We aren't done with the assignment yet." Ally asked, motioning back to their station where Trish and Dez stood smiling. Ally held back an eye roll at the two and their supposed acting skills. The teacher sighed before nodding warily.

"Sure, but I will be attending a meeting during lunch. So, as long as it is only the three of you in here, that will be fine. I'll check your assignment when I return." He replied before turning his attention back to his book. Ally cheered to herself before racing back to her two best friends. They each glanced Ally's way, expecting the best simply because of the girl's reputation with the teachers. The two could get away with so much just because they were friends with Ally.

"Well?" Trish edged. Ally smiled happily as the bell rang. The rest of the class packed up their things along with the teacher before walking out. He waved absentmindedly before locking the door behind him.

"I'm guessing he's not just locking us in here just to freak us out, right?" Dez asked with a nervous smile. He had always feared the teacher's had it out for him. Ally shook her head.

"He's letting us stay in here for lunch to finish the assignment." Ally reassured as Trish patted the red headed boy on the head. Over their week of getting to know each other, the three friends had grown close enough to know Dez's ways were far from ordinary. Dez's eyes grew wide before he jumped over to Ally's backpack, unzipping the front pocket to pull out her phone. Ally frowned before snatching her phone out of Dez's grasp just as it began to ring. Dez smiled shyly before responding.

"I was going to say you should call Austin and tell him where we are, but he beat me to it." Dez defended before stepping behind Trish just as Ally answered the phone.

"What's up?" She asked simply as she held he phone to her ear. She heard Austin laugh lightly on the other side.

"Do you guys want to eat up here, or should I meet you somewhere?" He asked, hoping Ally wouldn't catch into the fact that he had been up here all morning. Ally frowned as she let Austin's sentence replay in her mind.

"Have you been ditching all morning?" Ally asked, a hint of disappointment in her voice. Austin sighed as he let his other hand cover his forehead. Ally was too smart for her own good.

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