30. Record Labels & Record Times

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Record Labels & Record Times


Austin watched in interest as Ally scribbled notes out in her songbook. The girl looked so distracted as she wrote out the lyrics he would be singing later today. It was three in the morning, Jimmy would be coming by in seven hours to hear their new hit single. He sighed as he leaned his head against the closed piano.

Ally glanced up slightly, a smile hitting her face as she watched her boyfriend. He did look incredibly bored, to say the least. But this was how it would be. She needed to write a song for him.

"Why don't you work on some dance moves... Or something." Ally muttered as she continued to let her creativity flow out onto the page. She had no idea why, but this song was coming to her easier than any song ever had before. She had no limit on her ability to write at this moment. Austin nodded, feeling the exhaustion of the previous day hitting him with full force. Their principle had given them yesterday off, and today too actually, to try and become famous. He saw instantly what kind of talent the four had, and allowed them to go with it. The only problem, was how long it took them to get Ally into the writing mood.

"I'm too tired to dance. You know how many places we went to try and get you to write?" Austin teased as he stood up from the piano. Ally felt a light blush take over her face as he said those words. If she had counted correctly, then she knew exactly.

"Twenty-four, I think. I'm sorry about that, by the way. But how else are you going to get famous?" Ally countered as she continued to write out the words onto the page. The notes flowing out of her like a river after a rain of tears*... Wait, that was good.

"By sleeping. Do you mind if I take a nap?" Austin asked as he groggily threw himself onto the couch behind the large piles of boxes all around the room. Ally laughed and shook her head.

"If you can sleep up here." She agreed teasingly. She knew that it may be easier to write if her boyfriend was passed out back there. He wouldn't be continually interrupting her.

"You don't sound so sure about that." Austin called back sarcastically as he pulled one of the two pillows on the couch under his head. Thoughts about leaving this all up to Ally began to clutter in his head. He couldn't do this to her. He had to stay up for her sake. The two would sleep when all this was done. But right now, she at least needed him to stay awake.

He jumped up off the couch, hoping he now had his second wind before he walked over to the piano bench and sat down again.

"I thought you were going to nap." Ally mumbled as she continued to write out the words. Austin shook his head before letting his chin rest against the piano. Ally smiled as he glanced over the dark wood of the piano.

"No. I feel bad letting you do all the work." Austin stated as he looked over to her. Ally shook her head, it wasn't like that at all.

"You're not letting me do all the work, Austin. I'm forcing you to let me write the song. You're doing most of the work by actually getting up there on stage actually. After I teach you how to write songs, then we can work on these together. But for now, I'm fine with you just being with me." Ally explained as she let her sights fall from the book in her hands to her boyfriend. He smiled happily as he sat up, looking at her full on. He loved how they were able to hang out without it being awkward or anything. The two had something about them that allowed them to be together like this, and he loved it. He loved her as a matter of fact.

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