26. Special Girls & Secret Cameras

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Special Girls & Secret Cameras


Austin kept his eyes glued to his paper as he tried to focus. This was gym, he saw no reason as to why they were filling out a worksheet. He checked the yes and no answer boxes simply as he flew through it. That's why he had always loved gym, it was easy. You could fake your way through the worksheets, kill someone in dodgeball, and get a good grade. He still wasn't failing in here because he had done so well his last three years here. He smiled to himself as he stood up and walked over to their teacher who was sitting on the ground, looking over those who had already turned in their worksheets.

"Thanks, Austin." He greeted as he handed the worksheet to the man. "Where've you been, anyway? I haven't seen you lately." Austin smiled nervously as he fumbled with his hands.

"I've been, feeling out of it. I didn't think gym would be the best idea. I'm okay, now..." Austin left off. The teacher smiled and shook his head.

"You never change, do you Moon?" The teacher teased as he patted the space next to him. Austin laughed and took a seat, feeling slightly relieved since he hadn't known what he would do if he was to go join a game. The entire school either feared or loved him. Although, now the girls hated him and the boys loved him. That put a new spin on things. "So, who are you dating this week Moon?" The teacher asked, trying to bring back the old days. The man had been like a dad to Austin. In the tenth grade, he had caught Austin in the middle of dumping one of his weekly whores, so he made a point of asking him who the girl of the week was. He had missed gym more than he had thought.

"Actually, I'm not dating anymore... technically. I've got a girlfriend now." Austin replied proudly as he thought through his past week with Ally. The teacher stopped grading as he looked over to see the happy look on Austin's face.

"Are you serious?" He asked in disbelief. Austin nodded, loving that he was serious. "Who is she?"

"Ally. Ally Dawson. She probably sucked at gym, but she's amazing at anything else." Austin said, a lost look taking over his face as he let the image of Ally play in his head. His teacher shook his head. This boy was in deep, deeper than he had ever seen him, or anyone for that matter.

"Wow, she must be special." He said as he patted Austin on the back. Austin smiled and nodded. At least one adult approved of his relationship with Ally. "You know what? I do remember her. She's the short girl with brown hair who always carries around that book, right?" Austin laughed at her description. Now that he came to think about it, Ally did carry around that book. Her song book.

"Yeah, that's my girl." Austin breathed before the bell rang for lunch. He smiled and jumped up off the ground, helping his teacher up as he did so.

"Don't let her go. Not if she means that much to you, Austin." His teacher called as Austin raced back to the locker room to change. Austin nodded and held a thumbs up, silently telling his teacher he would do so. He wasn't ever planning to let Ally go now.

Ally sighed as she wiped the table off in their home economics class, hoping the three would be able to get out without much more than a bad look from their teacher. She threw her bag onto her shoulder before Trish and Dez waved in front of her face to get her attention.

"Earth to Ally." Trish teased as she grabbed onto her arm and pulled her out of the classroom. Ally shook her head as she tried to clear her mind. It wasn't Austin that had her distracted this morning, despite what everyone thought. It was, in all reality, the words of the one person she had never wanted to see again.

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