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'This is how you will work, Mr. Ali' Mr. Adams, my boss says angrily and slams the file that I had just prepared. I stand there with my hands folded back and gaze lowered. I am having a hard time trying to keep a straight face but in my mind, I am already cursing him. This man, screaming at me is a very obnoxious snobbish arrogant man. Apparently, this is the only crazy consulting firm in whole of California to work in. I held my fingers in tight fist behind my back, my jaws clenched. It's been five minutes and still this man has been screaming his lungs out. No matter what his employees do, this man, Adams, always finds some fault. God! Who made him the boss.

If I had it my way I would punch this guy and throw my resignation letter on his face. But then I think about my mother back home. It is only because of her that I am bearing this idiot.

Ten minute later he is done shouting, he drinks a glass of water and gestures me to get out. He doesn't let me take the file, I know the report is fine but he needs to take his frustration out on someone and unfortunately, today I was the unlucky one.

Adams is going through a difficult phase of his life, well he deserves this, his wife has filed a divorced against him. He was cheating on her.

Such sleazy men deserve this. I have personal experience with such men and how one moment of weakness destroys a family. How can someone cheat on their wives? I hate those who don't respect their spouses. Call me conservative but in my eyes, extramarital affair has no justification.

One should marry someone they love and be loyal to them. His divorce is another reason why I hate him.

I open the door to the cabin and notice few employees looking awkwardly at me. Adam's cabin isn't sound proof, the entire office heard me getting insulted.

I enter my cabin angrily; I slam my hands on the table taking deep breathes to calm myself.

'Juwaid, what happened dude?' I hear, Rishi say. I share my cabin with three other employees. Rishi, James and Sam. We have been working here for six years, slogging in the same cabin. We bonded well within a week of working here, our common ground of friendship - our hatred for Adams.

James enters the cabin smiling

'Today's scapegoat was our very own Juwaid' James says patting my shoulder, the two men look at each other and start to laugh. I glare at them but I am royally ignored.

Some friends!

Sam comes in, he is laughing too.

'You should have seen Fatto's face' he says. I roll my eyes. Rishi was the first one who had started calling me Fatto, James and Sam got curious to know what Fatto meant and after Rishi explained them what it meant, they nicknamed me that.

I am looking at them furiously but I am being ignored. All of sudden I started to miss "her". But then on second thought had she been here, Adams wouldn't have been standing here. I remember well how she used to bash anyone who would even glare at me, anger used to sit on her nose. Amidst all this chaos I smile remembering her, my Jhalli bff, Elham.

'Dude, why are you smiling?' I hear my friend, James say. I quickly changed my expression into a serious one.

'Stop laughing...' I managed to say them, they stopped for few seconds before laughing again. God! No one takes me seriously.

It's lunch time, I and my three friends are in the cafeteria. My friends go order their food. But I am lucky to have my loving hardworking mother, she wakes up early in the morning and prepares tasty delicacies for me. I had told her many times, she needn't but she is adamant. She loves me a lot and doesn't want me to eat unhealthy food of the cafeteria. I love her a lot too, she has seen so much in her life, she has struggled so much for me. Now I have to make her proud, that is why I need this job and I have to bear that Moron Adams. I feel anger rise inside me on mention of his name. But what I can do except get angry, I am fatto after all.

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