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Next day, as per Elham's advice I chose the best shirt in my closet. White with tiny black polka dotted slim fit shirt and watching black formal trousers. I folded my sleeves as advised my Elham, I hope Adam's don't scold for coming to work so casually. I combed my hair and did side parting. I applied generous amount of cologne.

My mother enters my room carrying my breakfast.

'Wow, you look so different' my mother compliments as I sit at the edge of my bed and tie my shoe laces. I smile at my mother; I feel little confident with her compliment but not much. She is a mother and to her obviously, her child will look the best.

'Waise, what is the special occasion?' she asks nudging my arm as I feast on the tasty veg sandwich she has just prepared. I stopped munching for few seconds and thought, I will not tell about Racheal, not yet.

'Nothing special, Mamma' I shrug.

My mother eyes me suspiciously not buying my excuse, she knows me very well after all she is my mother. She knows when I lie and when I am telling the truth. Lying to a mother is almost impossible. Nevertheless, she doesn't say anything.

My friends noticed the evident change in me, they knew this new transformation is for Racheal. They also start to give me advice on how to impress her. It's good to get advice from both a girl and a boy. I really love Racheal and I don't want to mess up.

I had a client meeting that lasted really long and now I return to office to pick up the file in which I need to write about today's client meeting.

'Mamma, aaj late ho jayega. You sleep I will use the spare key...Haan Mamma, you eat dinner and leave for me I will reheat it...Bye Mamma' I speak on phone as I walk through the long gloomy corridor of my office.

After I ended the call with my mother I smelt strong aroma of coffee, that made me realize that I should have some coffee. There are only few, hardly two or three people left in the office. I made my way towards the coffee machine which is just around the corner.

To my surprise I find Racheal there standing next to the machine making her coffee. I turned to my left and quickly fixed my hair and shirt looking at my reflection on the cabin window. I closed my eyes and take a deep breath and start to walk towards her. She has her back to me, I observed her. She is dressed in a pink and white pencil dress that reaches her knees. I admire her figure; she has perfect curves.

'Hey!' I say

She is startled but quickly composes herself 'Hey' she replies smiling. This is the first time we got chance to meet today. I had to leave before lunch for my client meeting and so I didn't get chance to meet her. But I am glad before the day ended I get to see her beautiful face. She hands me the coffee mug

'No, you have. I will make another one' I say politely. She insists and I panic. What am I going to do? What should I do? Should I take or refuse? I felt it won't be polite to refuse as she is insisting so much, but then she was here waiting for her coffee so it will be unfair. God! What do I do. It is split second decision to make and I am panicking really bad.

'I don't drink coffee on Wednesday's' I made up the lamest excuse I could think of, I mentally smacked myself.

Racheal looks at me amused then I on 'It's an Indian thing', anything to make it up for the blunder I just did.

Racheal smiles, she takes another mug and carefully poured half of the content in the other mug and hands me. I smile back awkwardly.

'It will be very late for me; can I work with you?' she suggests. I nod my head instantly, I probably looked like an idiot but I don't care. This woman has hypnotized me.

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