Chapter 10: Rock Lee

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Continuation of last chapter

"Ano (Umm)... can we go to the toilet first?" Kaito asked in embarrassment.

I nodded my head, "Sure."

Kaito and Kazuki entered the boys' washroom while I entered the girls' washroom. As usual, I took care of my own need and stared at my reflection through the mirror. I ran my fingers through my black locks and combed them gently. Once I was satisfied with my look, I walked out of the washroom and espied Kazuki and Kaito standing outside. Then Kaito asked me of why girls take their time in the toilet longer than the boys. I just answered with "you boys don't know how it feels like to be a girl".

We were making our way to room [301] when we heard a panic scream. To our surprises, we discerned the voice to be Sakura's and Kazuki was the first person to sprint ahead of us. Kaito and I followed suit.

We reached to a big unoccupied room and saw Team 7 and Rock Lee. I sweatdropped at the weird scene that occurred before me.

Rock Lee was blowing out big, solid hearts to the panic-stricken Sakura who desperately dodged all of them in a funny way. I could note that Lee was not giving up and blowing out more big hearts while proclaiming his love for her, "I LOVE YOU!!"

Kaito immediately dissolved into laughter and wiped an invisible tear from his eye. Kazuki and I just stood there, giggling quietly at this scene. Our actions had gained attentions from everyone in the room. Our presences had finally been noticed by them, especially Rock Lee to me.

"Ayuda-san," Lee began, "You saved me. With your kindness and beauty! Please accept this!"

Then Lee started blowing solid hearts at me while winking. My jaw dropped at this. Am I also a victim?

The next thing I knew, I ended up eluding all of those big, solid, red hearts with Sakura. Kaito guffawed while Sasuke, Naruto, and Kazuki remained indifferent.

After the first round of this dodging hearts game (probably round two for Sakura), Rock Lee smiled at us in admiration, "That was a good move. But let's see if you can dodge this!"

The bushy-brow sent countless hearts at us and the pinkhead and I desperately tried to dodge them all as if our lives depend on it. As if sensing my discomfort, Kaito ran to stand in front of me and heroically reassured me, "Don't worry, Ayuda! I will protect you fro- Agh!"

A big solid heart smacked into Kaito's face. The impact has forcefully pushed him to the floor with the heart glued to his face. His body lied there, motionless like a dead fish. Kazuki instantly rushed to his aid. Will that happen to me if I got hit by one of those?

"Mwah!" I heard Lee blew another heart at me and I instinctively backed away.

Before I had the chance to move away, a masculine hand slid into my gaze. All of its fingers extended out and hovered in front of my face; the back of its palm facing my nose. It firmly grabbed the heart that was flying to me and without delay, crushed it in its fist. Wow. I should've done that instead of evading all those hearts.

I slid my gaze from the hand to its owner's face. I saw Sasuke was narrowing his onyx eyes at Lee. He was the one who crushed that heart with his right hand. Without dropping his hand from my sight, he finally spoke up, "You've heard of the Uchiha Clan yet you're challenging me? You must be more foolish than you look if that's possible."

He paused as he dropped his hand to his side, "You wanna know more about my clan? Then I'll teach you. The hard way."

Huh? What is happening here? Is he going to fight with Lee? Why? What did I miss?

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