Chapter 52: Not A Threat, But A Promise

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Third Person's P.O.V

Kimimaro didn't bother to move and pick his bone from the ground. Instead, he nonchalantly called forth another sharp bone out of his skin. Ayuda had to restrain herself from grimacing in disgust at the grisly view of him drawing his bone out of his pale dermis. Once he got it out completely, he pointed the sharp point of the bone to the girl and coldly asked, "Are you ready for your death?"

Ayuda had the urge to repeat the same question to him in return, but she felt like she would sound like an ignorant immature lady who truly underestimated her opponent, so she held her tongue. She instead said, "Come at me whenever you are ready."

The white-haired man stared at her with a vacant expression. He was able to discern the differences between the reckless blond boy and this purple-eyed girl. Naruto was doubtlessly a rash boy who charged at him blindly while this girl stayed still and analyzed his abilities in the shadow. Although Naruto was a lot stronger than her due to the mysterious orange chakra that he owned, this girl possessed the vibe that only the fearless girls have.

Once he maintained his focus, Kimimaro zipped across the field towards the silent girl. Ayuda observed his speed for a moment before she pulled two arrows out of the quiver and gripped them each in one hand. Kimimaro was bewildered upon seeing this and reminded himself to keep his guard on.

Ayuda honestly believed she was incapable of outrunning him if she tried jumping backward while shooting arrows at him. His speed is quick enough to catch me in his arm's length so it's pretty useless to run and maintain the distance between us. Plus, I want to know something else about this guy.

Once the white-haired man reached her, they immediately engaged in an aggressive taijutsu battle. Kimimaro was on the offensive side which was attacking her with his bone relentlessly, while Ayuda was on the defensive side which was dodging and blocking his assaults using her arrows. Kimimaro kept his emotionless mask on his face throughout the whole time, but on the inside, he felt bemused that this young girl was exceptionally good at eluding all of his attacks.

Kimimaro mused, 'Let's see if she can dodge this.'

He pulled his weapon to his side for a quick second to yell, "Tsubaki No Mai (Dance of the Camellia)!"

He thrust his short, bone-hilted bone sword chaotically and continuously with remarkable swiftness. He rammed in unexpected and unpredictable angles, putting grueling difficulties to Ayuda in evading his attacks. Though she was able to dodge half of his onslaughts, she still received small cuts here and there. She unquestionably felt the stinging pain, but she tried her best to ignore it and resume in eluding his strikes.

Kimimaro withdrew his bone abruptly and ceased his incessant assaults. He stood up straight and watched the girl trudging backward to safety. He discerned bloody wounds on her cheeks, neck, shoulders, and her waist. He became aware of the fact that those injuries were nowhere near her vital points which he desperately desired to hit. He thought in his mind, 'She may not be able to dodge half of my attacks, but she still knows how to protect her vital points. She also did not grant me an opening for me to strike her to death.'

Ayuda was panting heavily after spending a great amount of her raw stamina in eluding his savage technique. She made a mental note to avoid provoking him to use the technique again. She also reminded herself to think twice if she wanted to fight in a close combat with him because if she did, there would be a high chance that Kimimaro would perform the same thing again.

'But all of these injuries are all worth it...' mused Ayuda as she huffed and puffed, ' I know what kind of fighter he is. He is a close-range type and that means... I have a great advantage here!'

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