Chapter 43: The Looming Danger

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[The next morning...]

Ayuda's P.O.V

Reina and I had left the house and headed for the giant main gate of Konoha when we ran into Kakashi Hatake, the leader and the teacher of Team 7. He was standing in front of a dumpling restaurant with a noticeable grim look on his face which aroused raging curiosity in me and I bet Reina felt the same way, too. But that dour look vanished in a flash when he noticed our incoming presences. He waved at us casually, "Oh, it's you two. Where are you heading off to?"

"We have a meeting at a small town not far from here," Reina answered as polite as she could, "Anyway, what are you doing here, Kakashi-san?"

The infamous copycat ninja closed his eyes into an eye-smile, "Well, I have some things I have to take care of here. By the way, Reina," I was keenly aware of how Kakashi uttered my sister's name in a very clear voice, "I heard from some Jounins that you have been a very hardworking shinobi lately. Your parents must be so proud of you, yes?"

Reina frowned right away, evidently perplexed with the subject Kakashi brought up out of the blue. Despite feeling bemused, she responded with as much respect as she could give to the expert Jounin while I turned a deaf ear to their chitchat.

I cast my eyes to the dumpling restaurant beside us, surveying it idly until my eyes reached on two customers who took the table near the entrance. They wore identical black cloaks which bore red cloud patterns. Straw hats were placed on top of their heads, projecting mysterious shadows over their faces. It's because of this reason that I could not get a good look at them.

I fixed my gaze on them the entire time. Aren't they feeling hot while wearing those seemingly thick cloaks? Why aren't they removing their hats off while they are sitting down in the restaurant? They can also take off the cloaks for a while. That's odd... but I shouldn't stick my nose into their businesses, though. They are strangers, after all.

"Ayuda," I threw my eyes back to Kakashi who was now peering down at me, "I am hoping to see you and Sasuke battling it out again. I never knew that watching rivals sparring could be such an entertaining thing to watch."

I shyly laughed in response while Reina cut in, "Oh? They had a battle? Did she get hurt?"

"Well..." Kakashi replied hesitantly, "...both of them got hurt equally but not as severe as that time when they were rushed to the hospital. They were just throwing light punches and kicks. It was a harmless fight, Reina, so don't worry."

"Is that so...?" Reina sighed in relief. Then she turned her head to look at me, "Next time, bring me with you. I want to see you kick his butt."

An uncertain smile reached my mouth as I spoke up, "I'll try."

Reina slipped her attention back to the masked ninja saying, "We'll get going now, Kakashi-san. Have a nice day."

"I understand. Be careful on your journey, you two," Kakashi nodded his head while flashing an eye-smile to us.

We made another stop at Ichiraku Ramen shop because Ayame, the brown-haired girl who worked there, was also a friend of Reina, so she called her in and asked her about our situation. Ayame and her father Teuchi, the one who owned the ramen shop, also greeted me with affable smiles. After apprising them about the meeting and bidding them farewells, Reina and I proceeded to the main gate.


[One hour later...]

My mind kept wandering off ever since we departed the village. I was unable to dissuade my brain from replaying a certain flashback – the flashback of me and Sasuke yesterday... the part where he wanted to ask me something before Reina untimely interrupted us.

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