Chapter 39: Queen of the Night

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[Two days later...]

Ayuda's P.O.V

I would have never thought that Sasuke would immediately put a lot of efforts to prove to me that he indeed had romantic feelings for me. I had a small amount of doubt that he would do that right away once I told him about my worries and hesitation upon hearing his confession. Remember that time when he said he would let me return home on my own but on one condition?

Well, to my surprise, he asked me out on a date!

Err... well... sort of.

Well, you see... the way he asked me was actually a bit confusing and unclear to me. Just like that time when he 'indirectly' confessed to me. It turned out that the stipulation he initiated was that he would allow me to return home on my own, but in return, I have to 'accompany him for an entire day'.


"W-what do you mean...?" I asked as red glow began to blossom on my cheeks.

The onyx-eyed boy in front of me shoved his hands into his pockets and looked away. His cheeks took on a bright, pink hue as well and he clarified, "Just hang out with me for one day, that's all. Those short words can't be hard enough for you to understand, right?"

"I-I understand what you mean...," I stuttered, "...but why? And what are we going to do throughout that whole day?"

He gave out a short sigh, "Idiot... we'll walk around the village and do whatever we want to do. It's easy."

That's when it hit me, "Ah... is this a d-date?"

He shifted his onyx eyes back to mine. Even though his face displayed an emotionless visage, the bright pink hue on his cheeks still lingered there, and he replied, "...If that's what you want to call it, then so be it."


Geez, Sasuke... at least say it a bit blunter than that.

I was now wearing a beautiful white, one piece dress which I deemed very stunning in my eyes. I hoped it looked beautiful too in his eyes. I aimed for a look that screamed simple yet elegant. I wanted to look good for this 'date' and I wanted to impress him as much as I can. It was around 11:40 a.m. and I knew it's time for me to leave the house. He and I agreed to meet at 12 o'clock.

Before I left his apartment that day, Sasuke and I briefly discussed about when our date would start and I suggested the day after tomorrow (two days after that day I first entered his humble abode) because I needed some time to prepare myself for this nerve-wracking 'date' and to find a perfect dress to wear.

Of course, my family was curious why I dressed prettily like this. It's a bad idea to divulge this 'date' to them. If they know about this, they will be very disappointed and outraged because they will think that I am cheating on Neji. Well, if it's Neji I'm hanging out with, I bet they will let me go and feel proud of me.

To escape from the predicament of being lectured on by them, I simply and nonchalantly told them that I was just going to hang out with my group of friends. They seemed skeptical at first, but they let me go nonetheless.

I finally reached the place where Sasuke and I are supposed to meet up - the abandoned park. He was the one who suggested this spot to be our meeting place and I couldn't agree more. Is this his favorite place, too? Just like mine?

I strolled into the silent park while throwing my gaze all over the area, searching for one particular boy with dark hair and a pair of dark eyes. A sense of terrible foreboding began to fill my very being when I didn't spot him or even one human anywhere in this site. I frowned deeply in disappointment and perturbation. I stood still in the middle of the park, feeling absolutely lost. Is he dumping me at the last minute?

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