Chapter 49: Showdown

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[The next day...]

Ayuda's P.O.V

"Eeeh?! You three are going on a mission?!"

"That's right!" chirped Kaito, "We have just received a C-rank mission from Tsunade-sama. Kazuki, Shiori-sensei, and I are now on our way to a small town not far from here."

I queried with my eyebrows furrowed in discontentment, "But why didn't Tsunade-sama call me and assign me to that mission?"

Kazuki enlightened me, "Tsunade-sama said that you will be needed in another C-rank mission. Your forthcoming mission will be a lot tougher than ours and your skill in archery will be greatly needed. You see, Ayuda, she acknowledges your ability."

My cheeks flushed to the color of scarlet. I couldn't help but feel blissful knowing that the great leader of my village was acknowledging my archery ability. Of course, I felt proud, too. My long-term goal is to show everyone that the archery is not as weak as they thought so. Instead, they could pose a big threat to every weapon. To every person. And to the whole world. And also-

"Ayuda-chan, are you there?" Kaito's voice boomed in ears, dragging me out of my sweet reverie.

I immediately regained my composure and, with a faint blush coloring my cheeks, I responded, "Y-yes, what is it?"

That was when Kazuki mused, "But how does she know about Ayuda's archery skills? She was not there during the third exam of the Chuunin Selection Exam... right?"

"She must have heard it from Jounin and Chuunin who hosted the Chuunin Exam such as Ibiki Morino-san, Anko Mitarashi-san, and Genma Shiranui-san," stated Kaito. He then stared at me and smiled, "We have to go now, Ayuda-chan. Shiori-sensei is probably waiting for us at the gate. If an ANBU, Jounin, or Chuunin suddenly appear and tell you that you are needed by the Fifth Hokage, then that means you are getting your mission. That's how we were called to her office just now. Anyway, take care of yourself, okay?"

I nodded my head slowly with a subtle pout, "Okay."

Kaito patted my head gently and informed me, "We'll be back tomorrow."

I watched as my comrades began hitting the road. I could hear Kazuki effusing that it had been a while since they had a mission which was unmistakably true after all. Missions could not be easily given to Genin, Chuunin, Jounin, and ANBU when the Hokage position was empty. Now with Tsunade here, the Leaf Village slowly motioned back to life. I also heard that most of the Jounin were immediately assigned to numerous missions as soon as the female Sannin took on the mantle of the Fifth Hokage. This explained why I rarely saw Jounin strolling around in the street.

Another gush of rapture streamed throughout my body upon recollecting the pleasing fact that Tsunade was acknowledging my archery skill. It was indeed a wonderful thing to hear. Hearing it cleanse my mind and soul. I was as happy as a clam and I suddenly gained the itch to share this good news with someone. And that's when Sasuke's appealing face materialized in my mind.

I turned around and leapt off, making a beeline towards the hospital of Konoha. Maybe Sasuke will be delighted hearing about this, too. He definitely knew about my long-term goal and he will probably congratulate me when I tell him this. Yes, hearing him congratulating me will make me feel in seventh heaven.

Just like yesterday, instead of using the main door, I jumped onto the windowsill that was connected to Sasuke's room. I was so happy that I didn't even make an effort to make my presence unknown.

Sitting silently on the bed was undeniably Sasuke Uchiha. His face was facing downward, seemingly staring at his blanket with a pair of cold, dead eyes. His hair followed the gravity, framing his face and projecting a gloomy shadow on his features. He was so deep in his own thought that he did not notice my sudden arrival. My cheery face faltered. He must be looking back on his clash with his brother...

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