Chapter 36: The Opposite Meaning

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Ayuda's P.O.V

I woke up in a warm, cozy bed. Both my sight and mind were fuzzy; every muscle in me commenced work, as I blinked my eyes repeatedly and took the first look at my surroundings. I was welcomed by the simple view of the dark, white ceiling right above me and a perpetual quietude that had transpired a long time ago. Breathing in the redolence that pervaded the air, it took me a while to comprehend that this aroma was something that can only be found in... the hospital.

So I'm in the hospital...

Memories of yesterday flooded back into my brain and I instantly got the picture why I was here. I'd sustained a severe cut on my right waist and didn't call for any treatment right away, eventuating in a worrying amount of blood loss. I looked out of the window and caught sight of the sun setting down into hiding, and it certainly did not forget to paint the sky with radiant orange colors.

I directed my gaze downward when I saw a dark circular object settled next to my left hip. I scrutinized the object with wide, curious eyes, and was quick to realize that that was actually a head of black hair. The body was seated on a chair situated beside my bed. From the look of it, it seemed like this person was sleeping soundlessly with her/his head rested on the bed, just inches away from my hip.

But who...? I have a feeling that it's...

I uttered with a hoarse voice, "Oneesan...?"

Her head flew up all of a sudden; her eyes were stretched wide and goggled straight into my eye. I had expected this reaction from her since she's quite predictable and, of course, my biological sister. Her reaction can be so dramatic. She got up from her seat that instant and threw her arms around my neck, giving a delighted yell, "You're awake!"

I was still in a weakened state since I had just woken up from a deep slumber, so I was temporarily incapable of moving my arms properly to hug her back. My lips curled upwards, smiling warmly at the hug Reina initiated as a way to display her huge concern and inconsiderable amount of affection for me. The soothing warmth the hug generated eases my pain away almost so easily.

"I'm so glad you're finally awake," Reina withdrew her arms and pulled back, staring deep into my eyes with her brown orbs which were filled with loving emotions. Once again, I could predict what would happen in the next few seconds. She would hold my shoulders in a firm yet gentle grip and shook me back and forth while rebuking me for my reckless behavior. And indeed, she did just as that in two seconds.

"Why are you so careless?!" she started to shake me back and forth out of anger, "I've heard from some witnesses that you went straight into the forest where there were two angry monsters battling one another! Why did you do that?! And how did you get the cut on your waist, huh?!"

I chuckled ruefully, "I'm sorry, Reina-oneesan. My friends were there near the monsters and I thought I could lend them a help. And this cut... it's not that serious, so don't worry, onee-"

"Don't worry?! Don't worry?! I will-" she suddenly stopped and zipped her mouth tightly. I watched her with a raised eyebrow as she took a long, deep breath and exhaled in a relaxed pace. She then emitted a noisy sigh and resumed to speak but with a softer voice, "Alright. But don't you dare do such reckless things like that, okay? I'll let you off just this once."

I sent her an adorable smile, "I won't, onee-san. And... what happened after I collapsed...? About the invasion...?"

She plumped herself down in the chair and apprised me, "We won the battle against the enemies. All of the Sound ninjas and the Sand ninjas fell back and abandoned the village. Geez, they didn't even bother to fix what they'd destroyed."

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