Chapter 19: I Am His To Fight

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[Two days later...]

Ayuda's P.O.V

"Which teams do you guys think will pass in this second exam?"

"Hmm... the first team that sprang into my mind is Rock Lee's team."

"And there is no doubt that Gaara-san and his team would pass this exam too. They probably had completed this exam way earlier than us."

"Ah! I forgot about them!" a loud noise of skin slapping against skin was produced that instant.

Kazuki and I turned our heads to look at Kaito who now had his right hand placed on his forehead. He had just slapped his own forehead upon remembering Gaara's team. I can't blame him for forgetting them. We were too busy with searching for the Earth scroll, killing the man-eating plants that wanted to devour us, and dealing with more obstacles that we encountered when we were heading straight to the tower. The three of us continued to walk down the empty, silent hallway in the tower.

We had officially completed the second exam just one minute ago. We reached the tower, opened both scrolls, was greeted and congratulated by Iruka-sensei, and with that, we got the permission to walk deeper into the tower. We were told by Iruka that some teams had completed the second exam much earlier than us and they were currently resting somewhere in the tower.

We were making our ways to that 'somewhere' part and meet up with the other teams. Kazuki sighed out loudly, "Oh man... if Gaara and his team have passed this second exam, then the next exam must be pretty tough. They are such strong opponents. And that Gaara boy is so creepy."

I felt my blood boiled in my system as hot as lava upon hearing his last few words. I quickly protested, "No, he's not! How dare you call a cute panda like him creepy?!"

"Panda...?" Kaito and Kazuki repeated after me. Kaito deadpanned with a sweatdrop rolling down his head, "I accidentally imagined him in a panda suit and I don't know whether to laugh or cry."

"And he's more like a raccoon to me," opined Kazuki.

I objected with a throbbing vein popping out on my forehead, "No, he's not! He may look so dangerous right now, but maybe, with enough amount of love, he could be a very sweet, loving panda!"

"I couldn't imagine him being a romantic person," Kaito said, now spinning his head to glance at Kazuki, "Hey, Kazuki. Can you imagine him being Ayuda's boyfriend and acts all lovey-dovey to her?"

That's when I immediately pictured his words into my mind. Me and Gaara sitting under a tree; the two of us are now officially a couple and we want to have an 'alone time' together. As we stare into each other's eyes, we slowly lean closer to each other... and the tips of our noses are finally touching... and... and...

"Hah~!" I breathed out a dreamy sigh with a small smile and blushes forming on my cheeks.

Kazuki replied to Kaito's last question (they were now standing behind me as we halted in the hallway), "Ask her. She is obviously imagining it."

"Hmm... then... Ayuda, imagine him coming up behind you and wrap his arms around your waist, whispering sweet words next to your ear," said Kaito.

I couldn't help but visualize the whole situation. I am cooking something in the kitchen; suddenly a pair of arms wraps around me, securing me protectively and pulls me until my back is pressed up against a hard, masculine chest. A bright red thing begins to appear in the corner of my right eye and I feel a weight is placed lightly on top of my right shoulder. I shifted my gaze to it; a little bit surprised to see Gaara's face so close to mine. And then... he whispers... he... he whispers...

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