Chapter 21: The First Match

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Ayuda's P.O.V

"Fight in some preliminary matches to see who gets to advance the Third Exam's main battle," declared Hayate Gekkou with a solemn look.

My eyes widened in surprise. Preliminary matches?

Shikamaru, sounding pretty much angry and shocked at the announcement, raised his voice, "Preliminary matches? What do you mean?"

"Sensei, I don't understand what you mean by preliminary matches," Sakura joined in, expressing her confusion.

I queried, "Why can't we just start the Third Exam with the remaining examinees?"

Hayate let out a sigh, "In this case, it must have been because the First Exam and Second Exam were too easy, I don't know... but there are too many examinees left."

I frowned. The First Exam and the Second Exam were actually arduous, sensei. The reason why there are still many examinees left is because they are all too splendid. Like Gaara, Sasuke, Neji, and Rock Lee.

"According to Chuunin regulations," continued Hayate, "we must decrease the number of participants for the Third Exam. As previously mentioned by Hokage-sama, there are many guests for the Third Exam, so...we cannot just have a lot of matches. We are limited on time, as well. So, those who aren't feeling well..."

Once again, Hayate coughed. I sweatdropped. You seem to be the one who's not feeling well, sensei.

Hayate shifted his gaze to us after having a short coughing fit and resumed, "Excuse me. If anyone wants to quit after hearing the explanation... please let me know. The preliminary matches will begin immediately."

I gasped in shock. They will not be giving us a time to rest?!

Kiba barked angrily, "Immediately?!"

Ino had a look of despair as she said, "But we just got through the Second Exam..."

"How troublesome..." muttered Shikamaru.

"What? What about my meal?" Chouji Akimichi also expressed his dissatisfaction over the announcement.

Hayate, who was still unfazed despite our complaints, added, "I forgot to mention this, but you will have one-on-one matches from here on out. So please withdraw if you wish."

I sighed. I really want to take a bath now. I stink after that entire survival thing in the Forest of Death. Although I did take a few baths in the river during the Second Exam, I can still feel that my body is not clean enough. I need soap, toothbrush and toothpaste, and shampoo. If I have those four things, then I will be satisfied.

"Kazuki, you should withdraw now," I heard Kaito whisper behind me. I turned to look at them. Kaito had his body facing me, but his head was turned to his right, glancing at Kazuki over his right shoulder. Kazuki only stared at him in confusion. Kaito added, "You are still hurt after that battle with the Sound team, right? So, withdraw now."

Kazuki – who had a pair of red eyes and blonde hair – replied with a smile that did not reach his eyes, "I can still fight, Kaito. Don't worry."

Kaito frowned in disapproval and he responded, "Stop lying already. I know that you are hiding the pain. You refused to take off the bandages because it still hurts, right? Those wounds won't heal completely unless you get a treatment from a medical ninja."

I also noticed that Sakura was also on the verge of crying while she tried to persuade Sasuke to quit. She must've noticed that Sasuke is in pain because of that mark. I paid no heed to them and turned my attention back to Kazuki and Kaito. I got a feeling that Sasuke would refuse to withdraw from this preliminary matches because... he's always that stubborn. Plus, he wanted to compete with these strong guys – Gaara, Neji, and Rock Lee. He would never let go of this golden opportunity.

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