Chapter 48: The Change

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Ayuda's P.O.V

For the past few days, I had kept myself mainly busy with this one particular stuff and that was, of course, visiting Sasuke at the hospital. It was my daily routine. Every morning I would go out and head straight for the hospital. When I had stuffs to do outside the hospital such as needing lunch and training, I would set out and complete them, and then I would return back and keep the unconscious boy company for as long as I could.

My parents were puzzled at my new schedule, but they eventually shrugged it off as time went by. They knew that I had a friend in the hospital, and they were aware of the fact that I cared about this 'friend' so much judging by how frequent I went there, but they did not have an inkling of what gender that 'friend' was. They simply surmised that the 'friend' was a female and they looked totally fine with it. I couldn't help but wonder what their reactions would be if I unfolded the true gender to them. Nevertheless, I let them think like that until the end.

Every time I dropped by the said medical center, I would ask the nurses concerning Sasuke's progress and they would give me the same answer that I, after some time, detested so much.

"We have done everything, but unfortunately, we are incapable of removing the genjutsu from his mind. We have no choice but to keep him like that for the time being."

Of course, there were a lot of times when I was bored keeping Sasuke a company. As a result of being bored, I had fallen asleep several times. I had poked various areas on his face out of sheer boredom. I would bring books and read them there. I had also invited Kaito to play shogi with me. And believe me; I'd brought a small target and a few darts, throwing darts in Sasuke's room without anyone knowing and anyone's permission.

Each day I would wish that a miracle would betide Sasuke and bring him out of his deep unconsciousness. I brought that hope to the hospital every day, only to have it shattered hopelessly at the end of the day seeing that he had not opened his eyes yet. This was the reason why I always returned home with a crestfallen look.

Until one day...

I was just exiting a fast food restaurant, having finished my lunch when I stumbled upon Kazuki who exuded an air of melancholy. His downcast eyes told me he had not yet seen me, so I greeted him first, "Good afternoon, Kazuki."

The wealthy blond boy was staggered hearing my voice that appeared out of the blue. His red eyes looked around the streets for one second before he spotted me. He relaxed his rigid form and responded rather unenthusiastically, "Oh... hey, Ayuda."

I raised my right eyebrow with no effort, staring at him questioningly, "What's the matter?"

He drove his hands into his pockets, "It's nothing."

Why does he look so upset? Did he and Kaito get into a fight? Or was it Sakura who made him this grumpy?

"Anyway, what are you doing here?" asked my red-eyed comrade, "Shouldn't you be in the hospital now?"

"Huh? Why?" and that's when I remembered a certain Uchiha, "Did something happen to Sasuke?"

His sullen orbs brightened up, replacing it with a pair of astounded eyes, "You didn't know?"

The look on my face had definitely answered his query, for he began apprising me without waiting for my reply, "Naruto and Jiraiya-sama have returned along with the medical specialist. She has already lifted the genjutsu off of Sasuke."

This revelation was absolutely a bolt from the blue, rendering me speechless and causing my eyes and mouth to part widely like a gaping fish. I wanted to say something, but I was suddenly incapable of forming words using my mouth. I was very shocked and delighted; those strong emotions had jammed my voice in my throat.

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