Chapter 51: Sasuke Retrieval Team

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Ayuda's P.O.V

"Ayuda, get ready. Sasuke has defected to Orochimaru and we are going to retrieve him."

I felt like the whole world stopped and looked at me. My eyes were wide with shock while my jaw dropped at once, causing my mouth to part widely like a gaping fish. I was completely dumbstruck hearing those words that came out of Shikamaru's mouth. I gawked at him stupidly and he looked totally fine with it as though he had expected this reaction from me beforehand.

Sasuke has defected to Orochimaru...? But... Sasuke dropped by last midnight and he looked fine too.

That's when an idea struck me hard. Oh... I see now. They are playing with me. They just want to poke fun at me this early morning. Even Naruto and Kiba are here. And maybe Neji is the one who brought them here since he is the only person among them to know where I live. These boys...

I chuckled lightheartedly, "Haha, that's so funny, you guys. You almost got me."

Shikamaru raised an incredulous eyebrow at me, "Huh?"

Chouji spoke up, "Could it be that she thinks we are joking?"

Naruto inched closer to me, standing next to Shikamaru and he apprised me with a rather grave look, "Ayuda, we are not kidding! Sasuke is really running away from the village! Tsunade-obaachan told Shikamaru to gather as many exceptional genins as he can and retrieve Sasuke!"

I protested, "But Sasuke just vis-"

I shut my mouth tightly. I cannot tell them that Sasuke visited me last night. They would think weirdly of me and Sasuke.

"He just what?" repeated Kiba, followed by an adorable bark from Akamaru.

Shikamaru sighed in an impatient manner, "We are not joking, Ayuda. Now give me your answer. Are you going to come with us in retrieving Sasuke or not?"

I stared at both Shikamaru's and Naruto's faces, searching for any hint that said they were indeed fooling around, but I found none. They looked down at me with such serious expressions, igniting the feeling of consternation within me. I glanced over their shoulders to see Neji, Chouji, and Kiba. They all looked at me unsmilingly, further convincing me that they were not jesting. Their stern looks assured me that Sasuke had indeed defected from the village.

I clenched my fists in anger. So that means... Sasuke sneaked out of the village after visiting me? Wait... that bruise on his cheek... does that have something to do with this?

And then I recollected a certain flashback.


"What's the matter?" I looked to see Sasuke standing before the window with one of his foot placed on the windowsill, looking as if he was ready to jump out.

I shook my head, "It's nothing. It's just... I can't sleep."

Sasuke furrowed his eyebrows, "Have you tried my method?"

"Yeah, many times too, but it's not working."

Then I heard him sigh, "Fine. I will stay here until you sleep."

My eyes widened, "No, it's okay. You don't have to."

"If you can't sleep," he asked, "you would take a walk outside to clear your mind, right?"

I cast my eyes downward, "Yeah..."

"Then I'll stay here until you fall asleep. It's too dangerous for a girl like you to walk around the village this late night."

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