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" Christmas is almost here " I said to Chris as I wrapped my arms around his waist as he washed out the last of the dishes.

" Yeah I know. I'm about to put the Christmas tree up, you gone help me? " he asked

" Yes, I always loved putting up the tree... " I smiled

" I wish Royalty was up so she could help us , I know she'd have fun " and as I spoke she was walking into the kitchen where I and Chris were

" Awww, there she gooo " I said picking her up.

We then walked around the big house into the living room.

" Hold on, I'm about to go get the tree from the basement " Chris said walking around the corner.

I swear this house is so big ... I don't even know where the basement is.

He then came around the corner with the tree moments later.

" That's one tall ass Christmas tree " I laughed

He smiled and stood it up.

" Ite now lets turn on some music and get started "

As we put the ornaments and small stuff on the tree, Chris got out the lights and start putting them on.

" How come I can't put the lights on? " I asked him.

" Aww , go ahead be my guest " he said handing the end to me

I began to put them on but for some reason they started getting tangled.

" Give me the damn lights " he laughed

" This is why you couldn't do the lights " he said as he untangled them

I continued handing Royalty the ornaments to put on.

I sat down eventually cause my legs started hurting and Royalty and Chris continued decorating, I'm just loving this moment with my family.

" Finally done " Chris said coming to sit on the couch with me with Royalty in arms.

She turned her head around and admired the tree by clapping and laughing... so cute ❤️

2 weeks before Christmas

" Chris are you going to watch her ? " I asked him.

I planned on doing a little shopping today and I had something on lay away for Chris since the day I was going to get it, I was in a rush.

" Yeah , where you going ? " he smiled

" Mind your business " I smiled back

" I'll be back " I said leaving out..

As I buckled my seat belt, August called me.

" Yeah ? " I said putting the phone on speaker.

" Where you at? "

" On my way to the store to go get some stuff for Chris and Ro. Why, wassup? "

" Let me come with you, I gotta get Asia some, she keep bugging me about getting her stuff and I told her I wasn't getting her nothing at first... but I eventually felt bad so , yeah... here I am now " he said back into the phone

I laughed , " You lucky I'm just pulling off,
you at home right? " I asked

" Mmhm. "

" Alright here I come " I said

And he then hung up.

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