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Sorry I  took so long to update !

When I woke up, which was around 10, Chris had made me breakfast which was so sweet of course. After I finished I just sat on the couch relaxing until it was about 12, then he suggested I took a shower so that's what I went and did.

Now I'm sitting on the bed in my panties and bra because I have no idea what to put on, I don't know where I'm going. I don't want to put on something too much or too less.

" Why you still sitting here? Not dressed or anything" Chris had said coming into the room.

" I don't know what to wear. "

He rumbled around in the closet, finding some cute jeans and a maroon shirt.

" This is cute, thank you. " I said and threw it on.

After I got fully clothed, I went downstairs to meet him where he was at, which was the couch.

" Is Royalty dressed? " I asked him

" Don't worry about her. She's fine, just come on. " he said and took my wrist so I could follow him to his car.

Once he pulled off, I immediately started with the questioning.

" Where are we going? " he didn't answer me, he kept driving.

" What did you get me? " he still didn't answer me.

" How far are we going? "

" Girl stop questioning me. " he rolled his eyes and laughed a little

I picked up some shades I recently left in his car and put them on.

We eventually came to a complete stop and I looked around at the scenery which looked like the middle of nowhere.

" Take off the shades and close your eyes so I can put this blind fold over your face " he said

" Ooooh, surprises ! " I smiled and clapped my

I took off the glasses and closed my eyes and I felt him wrap the blind fold around my head.

He began driving again and eventually came to a stop.

" Can I take it off yet? " I asked getting impatient

He responded with no and I heard him get out.

My door opened and he grabbed my wrist, while his hands were on my shoulders.

" Please don't make me bump into anything. " I said with my hands in front of me.

" Now why would I do that? " he said as we continued walking.

We stopped and then I felt him unloosen the blind fold.

" Ready? " he asked me

" Yess! " I impatiently answered

He took it off and what was revealed before me made me over filled with joy.

" Is this what I think it is? " I said fanning my eyes

" Yep. Your own make up studio. I bought it out completely, the booth rent is already paid, it's yours." he said passing me the keys

" he said passing me the keys

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