Almost There.

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" Are you watching her today? " I yelled upstairs to Chris as I finished feeding her.

He then came around the corner and
Into the kitchen.
" Naw, I gotta go to the studio. "

" Alright, she'll just go with me. " I said

" Or just wait until I get back, I'm leaving there at 8. " he said sitting at the table.

" That's fine too, but I got a question "

" What is it now " he said looking up.

" Why you don't ever make songs about me anymore? The last time you did was like when I was pregnant with her I think "

" Don't start getting over sensitive babe, I just .. I don't know. " he shrugged

" Mm. " I said as I picked Royalty up.

" Well I'm about to go, I'll be back by 8 so you can go, then when you come back dinner should be done or getting made. " he said standing and giving me a kiss and giving Royalty one.

" Okay " I said and he left out the front door.

" Come on, let's go get you cleaned up messy girl " I said kissing Royalty all over her face.

I washed her up and then went downstairs to look at tv.

" Wanna look at bubble guppies ? " I asked her

She nodded and I turned it to the channel.

She looked at the show for at least 30 minutes then dosed off on my lap and I shortly did afterwards.

2 hours later ( 7:15 )

I was awaken by my phone ringing next to me.

" Hello ? " I said answering the unknown number.

" Yes, is this Maria? "

" Yes, this is she. May I ask who's calling? "

" This is the store where you had a pick up at, the pick up was scheduled for 8:30 but we're low on staff today so we may not have no one available in this area at that time so are you able to come get it before 8:30? The next available time will be next week. "

I looked down at Royalty sleeping.

I don't want to miss this pick up because I've already waited long enough for it to get to the store so I might as well go get it.

" Yes, I'm on my way now. " I told the lady.

" Okay, ThankYou " she said hanging up.

I laid Royalty on the couch for a second
and got up and got my purse and keys and threw my shoes on.

I'll text Chris on my way there to let him know I left to go get a pick up.

" Royalty baby, get up. " I said tapping her lightly

" Wanna go to the store? " I asked her

She immediately woke up.

She loves the store.. so much, especially the toy aisle.

I gave her her crocs to put on being that I didn't have the time to nor feel like putting on nothing special, we're just going to the store and put on her coat.

I put her in the back seat and strapped her in and headed to the store.

At the red light I quickly shot Chris a text.

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