Things Get Rocky

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" How many times you gone throw this cheating shit in my face, Maria?" Chris said to her. They were arguing again and Chris was over annoyed.

"So you think I'm going to just be over this in some days? I would if you'd just stopped being so stupid." Maria said putting her hand on her hip.

"You ain't wanna yell and argue about it a few days ago so why you doing it now?"

"It sunk in."

Chris stared at Maria for a second, " You know what, I'm not even about to continue this argument because the more I argue wit you the angrier ima get and we both know how I get when I'm mad and I'm really not trying to hurt you. So, what I'm about to do is leave." Chris said and headed for the room door.

"No, don't leave." Maria said and clinged to Chris's shirt. Now having a change of mood due to her hormones.

"Let me go, just leave me alone." He said and removed her hand. 

"Chris stop being like that."

" You don't understand how bad I felt and still feel and no matter how many times I apologized you still find a way to throw it in my face. I understand apologies ain't gone fix shit but if we supposed to be working on our relationship, what good is bringing up the past going to do?" He said and went downstairs, leaving.

Maria just stood there thinking because he was right to a degree.


I feel bad for constantly throwing it in his face but I can't help but to think about it every time I see him.

'It has happened before' many would say, but you wouldn't understand. I just can't get over it.


I was downstairs playing with Royalty and Chris had just left. He didn't seem angry, more like calm but I could tell he wasn't alright. I heard them arguing upstairs as well, about the same thing they been arguing about since last week-- when it happened. Him cheating and Maria not accepting it. I have my own opinion for both of them but it's not for me to say.

I feel as if Chris has done this multiple times before even when she was pregnant last time why make it a big deal now? I'm not taking sides it's just my opinion but I could be wrong.

Maria eventually came downstairs and going to wash some clothes as to what it seemed.
"Did you need anything washed?" She asked me, showing all the emotions on her face.

"No, thank you." She nodded and turned to walk away.

"Are you okay?"

She took a deep breath and turned back around.
"Not really" she said sitting down, knowing I'd want to talk about it with her.

"It's the same thing we had been arguing about for days now and I just can't seem to let it die down." She said looking at me.

"But, if this is something he has done multiple times in the past why does it hurt so bad now?" I asked her

"I..I don't know." She answered back.

It went silent for a second.
"I think you should go lay down, maybe get your mind off things."

"I don't want to leave Royalty up alone with you." She replied

"She's fine down here."

She looked at the time on her phone,"Its her nap time anyway, thank you though." She said and grabbed Royalty and heading upstairs.

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