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The doctor then came in.

" Oh you're woke, Just in time " she smiled

" For what? " I asked, seeing Chris wake up and Asia look up

" You dilated 10, time to push. " she smiled while putting on gloves.

I was kind of scared, in all honesty. I never did any of this before and I've heard that people die and stuff... Oh my , God be with me 😩

" Okay, I need only the father in the room as of now. " the doctor said

Now everyone except Chris was exiting the room. Other doctors filed in in return.

" Okay, on the count of three, I need you to do a good push " the doctor said

Now Chris was standing up next to the bed..

" Baby , you got this ! " Chris said taking my hand.

" Ok, 1... 2.... 3 "

I did a big push.

" Ooooh " I yelled out in pain

" Again , 1.. 2.. 3! "

I pushed again while squeezing Chris's hand tightly. Seeing him crouch down a little on his knees.

" Baby, come on " I heard Chris cheering me on.

This shit really hurt !

I pushed again.

" Come on, 3 more pushes, she's almost here !" The doctor said

" THREE ?! " I yelled

" PUSH! " she said

I laid my head back and pushed

" Come on, 2 more "

I pushed a big push again

" 1 more baby, 1 more " I heard Chris say

I did one more big push and I heard the room fill with cries. I laid my head back in relief.

I looked at Chris who was staring at our baby.

" Would you like to cut the umbilical cord ? " the doctor said looking at Chris

He didn't answer, he just continued staring and walked slowly to get some gloves then cut the cord.

The doctor went to go wipe her off and run some tests and put a diaper and hat on her and wrapped her in a blanket.

" What would you like to name her? " she said coming back in with her

" Royalty Maria Brown " I smiled

" Here's your Royalty " the doctor said putting her into my arms. She was so beautiful.
I couldn't help but cry.

" Would you like to hold her? " I asked Chris after holding her for a second.

He walked to me, taking her out of my arms and into his.

" Look at my baby. " he smiled. He took his phone out and snapped a quick picture of her. I laid my head back again and closed my eyes for a second.

I looked over at Chris who was rocking a now sleeping Royalty. I looked at his face and it looked damp.

" Are you crying ? " I asked Chris

" No. " he said turning away from me.

Then in came everyone that was waiting.

" Oh my gooood ! Can I see her ? " Asia said going to Chris.
He told her to hold on because they all had to wash their hands. Everyone did so and Asia held her then Ty.

" My grandbaby is so beautiful " my mom said now with tears coming out of her eyes and getting Royalty.

The last to hold her was August and he couldn't help but smile at her while rocking her.

After everyone had a chance to hold her. We talked for a while and they left.

August was leaving out with Asia and she was in the bathroom.

They put Royalty in the nursery so she could be watched.

" Hey Ri. " August said walking towards my bed

" Hey. " I said dryly, I was still kind of pissed off at him

" I'm sorry about how I treated you, you ain't deserve that. " he said

" Its all good. " I was really tired, I didn't want to really hear nothing from anyone. It's my bed time.

" So no bad blood between us right? "

" No, you fine. " I said

And he gave me a small hug then in came Asia

" Bye babes. I love you and I'm soooo happy ,  I'll come back tomorrow .. When do you guys go home? "

" She said I can go home the day after tomorrow which means Sunday. They want to make sure we're okay and I'm healing properly."

" Okay, well I'll be up here.. Love y'all " she said blowing a kiss and August waving bye.

The doctor came in and put a hospital bracelet ( don't know what you call them ) around Royalty's left ankle, smiled and left out. I was worn OUT.

I looked over to see Chris who was now looking at me.

" What? " I questioned

" I'm so happy. Just 8 months ago you were telling me you were pregnant, crying your eyes out. Now, here she is. " he stopped

" And baby, I know you tired and I'm going to let you get all the rest you need. " he paused again

" I just want you to go to sleep peacefully knowing you have a place to come home to, I promise you I'm done with my old ways and I can show you better than I can tell you, no more worrying about me getting drunk, I might get high but I won't get drunk, no more worrying about if I'm going to put my hands on you , I promise to God, on my life baby I'm done doing that " he said turning red

" I want you to live comfortably and freely and I'm the one you able to run to when you want to escape, not you running from me. I didn't know how to live with myself when you were gone for those months, and me not being able to see your belly get bigger and your smile every morning. I would do anything to not lose that again.

I want you to be my wife and not now cause it's too soon but you're my everything , y'all my everything and I'll do anything and I mean anything to make it right. You don't have to worry about no other bitches none of that. I'm yours and only yours and I promise you. I made a lot of promises and I'm going to keep every last one of them. I love y'all " he said getting up squeezing me into a big hug and kissing me softly.

" I love you too " I smiled , his speech actually made me drop a tear or two. He smiled at me for a second then reached for his phone.

Minutes later, my phone lit up, I got it out the side of the bag and looked at the notification.

@ ChrisBrown My life half way complete , my pride and joy

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@ ChrisBrown My life half way complete , my pride and joy. Thankyou baby 💍 @ FineAssRia , I love y'all ♥️

So how'd y'all like the first chapter of Redemption... I'm going to do a big time jump in probably chapter 2 or 3 ... But , thanks for reading. Vote , spread , comment , all that
Ria 😛🤘

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